How Do I Know If He’s the Right Guy for Me?

We all want to find love but sometimes we get lost. We find ourselves in relationships that are a wrong fit. We label it as ‘complicated’ or we find ourselves dating the same type of men who are not good for us instead of admitting that it’s just not working. After repeating our patterns we don’t know what a normal, healthy relationship is. How do we really know if he is the right guy for us? Should you stay or should you go?

I found myself dating the same type of person three times in a row over two years who was not good for me. After that experience of dead-end relationships, I developed a self-awareness compass to guide me during dating that led me to say I do to my fiancée.

These were the signs I used to evaluate whether a man is the right guy for me, or if I should move on:

Your relationship is anxiety free with the right guy

Everyone says relationships take work but sometimes they can be too much work. It becomes difficult and you become frustrated he’s not meeting your needs. You see him only on weekends when he’s got time. He says he wants to be with you but also be able to do his own thing so he communicates only through text. You’re not sure where you stand with him and he avoids discussing any future with you. Your relationship is unsatisfying for many reasons but primarily because you’re putting more effort into it than you are enjoying being with him.

I once dated a man who was emotionally sensitive. I thought he was the perfect guy for me, a man who would be sensitive to my needs and feelings.  He was passionate about advocating for welfare programs to help the immigrant working class and aligned with Occupy SF to end capitalism.

I was wrong about our relationship because I was walking on eggshells when I spent time with him, because I could not be honest about my opinions. I needed to be careful about what I said otherwise a conversation turned into a tension-filled discussion. I felt restricted and compromised who I was. This led to the ending of our relationship.

The best relationships are fun and easy. It’s easy 95% of the time and the other 5% are differences that are resolved quickly. There is no wondering where this relationship going or if he cares about you because he steps up to make sure it is clear he wants you in his life. He puts effort into making sure you are happy and taken care of throughout the relationship. He is the right guy for you when he accepts you just the way you are.

He supports your growth and development

Why do we find ourselves in relationships with men who are emotional vampires? It’s like they suck the life out of you and bring you no joy or happiness. Be aware of the energy he brings to the relationship and how it impacts your energy levels and yourself. A healthy relationship brings you positive and supportive energy.

My college boyfriend was an example of someone who was an emotional vampire. There were signs in our relationship that I ignored. When I started a new job working full-time I absolutely dreaded the weekends because it would mean that I would be spending time with him in our apartment because he was needy.

A sinking feeling would develop in the pit of my stomach, this feeling of dread driving home after work. I put in so much work to ‘fix him’ during our relationship but he would not put in the effort. He was negative, unmotivated, and angry at life but I loved him anyways even when he dragged my life down with him.

Eventually, I left but now I am extremely aware of how I feel when I am with a new guy. Is he positive? Does he support and encourage me to have an opinion and respect me for it? Does he make an effort to make me happy and accepts me for who I am? These are important questions that every woman should evaluate in their man before locking in the long-term relationship with them.

Let him go if he makes you upset, lonely, or frustrated. How can you love someone who makes you so unhappy and disappointed?

He is your best friend

At the heart of true love is a relationship that is strong and deeply rooted in friendship. Attraction and chemistry are important at the beginning of a relationship. It is what brings two people together and what is necessary for a relationship to get off the ground, but it should not be the primary thing. When physical attraction and chemistry wear off, friendship is going to hold your relationship together.

How do you know if he’s your best friend? Do you want to spend all your time with him? Does he make everything more pleasant and more enjoyable when he’s around? If you answered yes, there’s a good chance he’s the one for you.

When you are in a relationship with someone you consider to be your best friend you get more life satisfaction.

They make any situation more enjoyable, you feel you can really be honest with him, and you want to spend all your time with him. I think a defining point on qualifying to be a best friend is that you want to make this person happy like the way he makes you happy.

I look forward to coming home to be with my fiancé and telling him about my day. I enjoy doing the mundane things with him like grocery shopping,  and cleaning the house. He’s such a positive happy life force. I know that he can take the unpleasantness of anything down a couple of notches, and throw in a few witty remarks to make me laugh. He is my favorite person in the world and I feel very grateful I found him.

When you find the right person to love, the energy and happiness you experience can be so magical. It’s important to evaluate a relationship against these 3 emotional factors, because then you will know whether to stay with someone or leave them.

These are the signs of someone who is the right guy for you, because love with the right person nourishes you inside and out.



Great article but wait a second….you still get Netflix in the mail?!?


    Yes, Netflix by mail still exists. They are going to raise the prices next yr though. Thanks for reading!


Hi Candace, this is really great. I have been in ups and downs relationship, they just never lasted..don’t know if it is me or them….sometimes i think of it as being spiritual, lol but please is there a way I can really know what is going on?
P.s I am beautiful


Hey there, very interesting article. I met a lovely guy a couple of months ago. He’s so sweet, kind and considerate but I find him rather boring and whiney. I’m hanging on to him because he’s so good to me but I’m afraid I will have to end it and I know it will break his heart. I’m 45 now, no kids and never been married. I’m starting to be afraid I’ll end up a lonely old lady cause I can’t seem to find my soul mate. It makes me so sad. I just don’t know what to do! 🙁

hudson rose:

I am so full of love and affection that I have been waiting for such a special man, I have never let my standards down even when I was told they were too high, I just prayed that someday I would find all the wonderful things that I wanted. I don’t let people into my life easily, nor do I let them out of it, I am true and loyal
7. Love
3. Honesty
4. Caring
3. God Fearing Man
1. Good Good Loving
6. Communication
5. Truthful
8. cuddling
7. Communication
7. Constant messaging. Only the smart one get the best ones


Such a nice article. I came looking for this because I wanted to make sure if I was thinking of letting go the right guy. There is this guy in my life who is great when he is around. Otherwise, it’s too draining and depressing. He hasn’t sorted out his life at all and he asks me to wait until he gets around his problems and find time for me.
Is that wrong for him to ask? I know I am getting hurt a lot… But I don’t want to end it mainly because I am scared of being lonely, to be frank.


Thankyou for being able to take your time to spread your wisdom from experience to those of us who have lost their way, creating these self destructive patterns we’ve set for ourselves, sometimes unconsciously. You’ve reiterated some of the most important yet simple compartments to help us women to find true happiness. xo


Loved the article. It is very helpful. I came looking for this and came upon this article. I have met a guy recently and have been asking myself many questions and above all doubting myself and him. He is a very kind person, always tells me nice things, like that i’m pretty and that he really wants to see me. However i’m scared he is lying to me not telling me everything. I often think he is trying to find an excuse not to talk to me because he says he’s busy doing something but i’m not sure if that’s the truth. I often see that he is online but he isn’t talking to me. I’m not sure if he is talking to another girl. Also I have been hurt many times in the past with boys lying to me, saying they had feelings for me and then talking to other girls behind my back. I’m scared he is like that too. I have a lot of trust issues and scared to be hurt over and over again and frankly I’m just afraid of being lonely and I hate it.

ibrahim yasiini:

hi all

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about the author

Candace Wong

Candace has a mission to help smart, educated women find love. She helps women be confident in dating to create genuine, long lasting relationships with Mr. Right who will make them feel spectacular inside and out, instead of feeling like they have to settle. You can find her at

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