3 Ways to Electrify Your Personality

My first time ever working a legit sales job, I knew nothing about sales nor the product I was selling. All I knew was how to use my personality to make people feel good. Knowing that one skill alone allowed me to climb to the top and absolutely dominate the leaderboards; even though everyone I was working with had anywhere from 10-30 years on me.

What really helped me surpass my coworkers was finding out that my dealership also paid us in customer service reviews through multiple different websites. I took immediate action and made the decision to surpass the 11-12 reviews most employees would get in a month. I decided I did not want to be like everyone else and set an intention to treat others the way they wanted to be treated, regardless if they purchased from me or not.

Since I set that intention, my reviews were constantly higher than each previous month. Ultimately ending my career at that dealership with a whopping 84 reviews in one month. I’ve realized that it’s extremely simple to have an electrifying and magnetic personality, and it will make people gravitate to you.

There are just 3 things that you need to consistently do in order to have people be attracted to your energy:

1. Smile More

As simple as this one may be it’s the most important tool that we have. I remember I would just look around my dealership and see all of the other salesmen have on their staple resting bitch face. When you have something like that people are hesitant to come up to you. It does not give off a very inviting energy.

A smile suggests that you’re authentic, laid back, and empathetic. In fact, a study in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that smiling actually makes you more attractive to those you smile at. When you smile it can literally warm up someone that’s looking at you because smiling is contagious. Have you ever had a time in your life where you were having a bad day and came across someone that had a warm genuine smile on and you couldn’t help but feel yourself smiling as well?

2. Listen to Understand

There’s a reason we have 2 ears and 1 mouth. Unfortunately, it is not a skill that’s being utilized as frequently as possible. A lot of us –myself included- have a tendency of listening to what others have to say with a focus on what we should respond with. When we’re listening to respond it takes our presence away from the other person and we may miss something extremely important.

You want to be able to hone in on the skill of listening to understand. Don’t worry so much about what to respond because ultimately when you can understand and appreciate what the other person is saying you’ll have a greater answer and it’s more personable. Also if you haven’t already noticed, people love talking about themselves!  Get to listening!

3. Focus on Others

Shine the spotlight on others, constantly find ways to make people feel really good about themselves. Whether that’s through compliments, gifts or maybe even a little recognition. No one receives enough praise. No one. Tell people what they did well. People don’t remember what you said or how you said it…


Don’t come at it with an intention to take, but rather to give. Give with no intention to receive. This will help free up anything hidden you might have that would get in the way of you being present with the person. My mentor Tony Robbins says that the secret to living is giving; and that the more you give, the more you’ll receive in the long run.

Regardless of anything you do to make yourself more approachable, you must always and I mean always be yourself. Don’t ever change who you are for other people, you must be okay with the fact that some people might not like your electrifying personality. That’s okay, because being yourself is the ultimate form of enhancing your charisma.


tina j:

Author: tells you to change 3 things about yourself
Author: never change yourself for other people

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about the author

Omid Kazravan

Before becoming an International Speaker, Best Selling Author, and a Top Sales Coach, Omid had one question burning in his mind that he knew he needed to find an answer for. He became obsessed with trying to figure out why people made the decisions that they did. That placed him on his quest to learn and figure the answer to that question. Since the age of 12, he’s been following and studying the top experts and leaders in the entire industry such as: Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Brendon Burchard, Roger Love, Wayne Dyer and many more. Omid uses his youthfulness and high level of energy to help people realize their own greatness.

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