Grow Your Sensuality and Confidence in Bed

There is a deep power that lies in our sensuality. When we learn to trust the wisdom of our body and connect to this sensuality, we empower ourselves by bringing confidence and radiance to our relationships. We bring that confidence to our bedrooms too, cultivating deep, soulful and sensual sex.

This is the gift of the feminine.

Women often ask me: “How can I forget my inhibitions in bed? How can I just let go?”

They know they’re holding part of themselves back. They know that deeper intimacy and pleasure are just on the other side. They’re just not sure how to make it happen. I can teach techniques, and I often do, but what I always want women to discover first is how to connect to their body wisdom and their innate sensual nature. This is where real confidence comes from. This is what I want for you too beautiful, to discover your confidence and deep sensual nature.

So I’m sharing with you 7 ways to feel more sensual and grow your confidence in bed:

1. Get out of your head and into your body

We spend so much of the day needing to think, it can be hard to turn that off when we step into the bedroom at night. Many women tell me they can’t stop thinking during sex and of course, it’s distracting.

To really enjoy ourselves, to discover our sensuality and the confidence that comes with that, we need to get out of our heads and drop into our body. We find our way to sensuality through our body, not through our thoughts. Getting out of your head isn’t about stopping your thoughts, it’s about where you put your attention.

Do you know you don’t need to listen to your thoughts? Simply turn your attention to your body and notice what you’re feeling. Thoughts will come, and that’s fine, just notice but know that you don’t need to follow them. You can just bring your attention back to what you’re feeling.

2. Connect to the breath

Paying attention to your breath can help slow your thoughts down and help you drop into your body. Connecting to the breath in the bedroom is a great way of getting centered and feeling more sensual.

You can try it right now, even as you’re reading this. Notice as you breathe in and notice as you breathe out. You might notice that your breath deepens and slows just by you giving it your attention.

Breathing more fully also allows us to feel more. So bring awareness to your breath beauty and let it take you deeper.

3. Slow down

Getting connected to our bodies takes time, particularly at first. We can’t connect in if we’re rushing from one thing to another. To really drop in, we need to slow down. From here we can feel more of what we really want and enjoy. Slowing down also gives our body time to ‘warm up’. Taking our time allows us to become more sensitive, tuned in and turned on.

4. Let your body move you

Your body is wise beauty. Your body knows how to move and it will always move you towards pleasure when you allow it.

When we’re holding tightness in our body, we’re blocking energy and feeling. By allowing ourselves to move, we give the body permission to feel more.

Let your body move. Encourage it to move. Start with small movements, perhaps by rocking your pelvis slightly and then allow your body to take over. This is far more sensual and sexy than any particular technique or position I could teach you.

5. Discover what you love

Your pleasure is a gift to you and to your lover. Let yourself explore and discover what it is you really love. I highly encourage women to explore and experiment on their own. Learning your own body will help you feel more confident in sharing yourself with a lover and will make it easier to show them just the right ways and places to touch you.

6. Embrace the light and the dark

Give yourself permission to be all that you are, to desire everything that feels right for you. Let your wild woman have her time. Let your soft, vulnerability shine through. There isn’t a right and wrong when it comes to sensuality and sex. Open and give space to it all beauty, that’s where we shine the brightest.

7. Treat yourself like a Goddess

Nourish yourself and nurture yourself. You deserve to be taken care of and you must start by taking care of yourself. Treat yourself like the Divine Woman that you are.

Put nourishing food into your body, allow it to rest and cover it only with what makes you feel good.

Your radiance is a gift. Give yourself permission to let it shine.


Deborah Campbell:

Excellent read! These are really good tips and great reminders for myself. Getting out of my head is such a challenge! But I’m glad that there are ways to help.
Thank you!

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about the author

Isiah McKimmie

Isiah McKimmie is a Relationship Therapist, Sex Therapist and Tantra Teacher passionate about helping women embrace wholehearted sensuality, soulful intimacy + live spirit-led lives. Visit her website to let your inner bedroom goddess shine.

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