5 Ways to Release Blocked Feminine Energy

There was a major emphasis put on equality between the sexes when the feminist movement in business started to boom in the 80’s. Shorter haircuts became trendy, shoulder pads made a woman’s shape disappear, and the power suit became a beacon for women’s rights everywhere. We saw women striving to find their position of power by abandoning their feminine energy.

Now, I’m not saying this was bad. The generations before us felt like they needed to make a bold statement to be taken seriously by the patriarchal society, but the downfall was we started to believe that in order to succeed in business, women must conform to a more masculine version of themselves. Which in a way, is still giving up our power as women. It’s like saying, “Yes, women and men can be equals, but only if women be more like men.”

Somewhere along the way, we forgot that equality means that all humans should be valued just the same regardless of gender; what it doesn’t mean is it that we have the same innate strengths.

I want to share with you the primary qualities associated with both masculine energy and feminine energy to explain these strengths.

Qualities of Masculine Energy

Drive, focus, assertiveness, and confidence tend to be seen as more masculine traits that set one up for success in business and the corporate world. Masculine energy is consciousness and solid like a river bank. His thoughts are single focused on goals, the future, security, and protection. He is most identified with his purpose and productivity in the world and loves fulfilling a mission.

Qualities of Feminine Energy

Traits that are most often associated with the feminine are things like connection, empathy, nurturing, and emoting. She is pure energy and flows and changes like the water of a river. She has a diffused awareness, thinking many things at once and she finds details and intricacies that escapes the masculine. She is born to receive.  She is most identified with her feelings and craves love deeply to feel fulfilled.

Blocked Energy

The masculine likes to “do”. The feminine craves to just “be”. Now here’s the kicker… we have access to both of these energies inside each and every one of us. We need both to be balanced, but we are primarily born with one dominant form that feels most natural to us. Women are usually more feminine associated and the opposite is true for men. (In same-sex couples, usually one partner is more masculine and the other feminine in order for there to be sexual polarity.)

So what does all this mean? It means that if we are more feminine associated by nature and change to compete in the masculine dominated corporate world, then we lose some of our innate power. We forget how to be a woman. We forget how to soften once we’ve left work. This causes us to feel unbalanced, stressed and stuck. We become rigid and lose our flow. Holding onto this Miss Independent Woman energy can feel like a mask. We have a hard time connecting with others, and we start to see other women as threats.

We also attract more feminine associated men into our lives. Men that can’t step into their masculine power and meet our needs. They feel wimpy to us, lack drive, or the assertiveness that we desire. It creates an unbalanced polarity and sexual attraction can fizzle. Burn out is guaranteed when we feel constant pressure to strive and prove our equality in this way.

Here are five practices that will help you radiate feminine power and get back into your natural flow:

1. Dancing

Dancing is a powerful practice to help you get out of your head and into your body. Find some privacy where you can dance as wildly or sensually as you like. Put on your favorite song or playlist and start off by closing your eyes, taking a few deep breaths and feeling what it feels like to be in your body. Ask yourself if this music could take form, how would it move? Then allow your body to express the music as if you are translating into a form of language.

2. Adornment

The feminine in all of us craves to feel and see the beauty around us and in us. Adorning your space with anything that brings a smile to your face helps nurture this craving. This can be in the form of pictures, decor, or luxurious fabrics or colors. To bring beauty to our wardrobe will also help us express the feminine within. Maybe that means wearing flowy skirts with delicate sandals or rocking a sexy pair of heels with a sleek skinny leg pant.

Maybe you feel deliciously feminine in combat boots and a floral dress. Maybe it means something different every day (that’s okay too… the feminine is constantly changing)! Find your own definition of beauty and see how you feel when you express that in your clothing. It doesn’t have to mean you wear lipstick every day, but if rocking a hot shade of red allows you to feel pampered and sexy then go for it. You make the rules here.

3. “Free days”

A day of “no planning” is one of my favorite things to do to step into my feminine. Allowing ourselves to just flow and be in the moment can be one of the most relaxing feelings for the feminine. One day out of the week I schedule a self-care “free day”. This is where I make zero plans and just allow myself to do whatever I feel like from moment to moment.

4. Creativity

The divine feminine in all of us is associated with creative energy and life force energy. Similar to the energy of flowing emotions or timelessness, the feminine craves creativity. Our wombs are designed to create life after all. Some ways I express my creativity are through crafting, painting, dancing, clothing, and crocheting. I know a lot of people that express their art in other forms though such as cooking, entertaining guests, writing, comedy or gardening. Expand your mind and see where in your life are you creating something out of nothing. It’s a common misconception that traditional “art” is the only form of creativity!

5. Sensuality

Our bodies hold a lot of power and wisdom as women. We can connect to our feelings and intuition more easily than a masculine associated person, but we need to trust our bodies and heart in order to hear these messages. One way to connect to our bodies more and get out of logical thinking is to practice incorporating more sensuality into our lives.

This means intentionally using the senses to experience life with pleasure. One way I practice sensuality is by soaking in a warm bath with essential oils. Setting the visual with candles or petals, feeling the warm water against my skin, smelling the aroma of lavender or eucalyptus, hearing the water splash against the tub, tasting a treat like dark chocolate or red wine. Any activity can become sensual if you intentionally experience it with all five senses.

The Payoff

When I do these feminine recharging practices regularly, I feel more radiant, replenished and attract my desires more easily into my life. It allows me to step into my masculine energy in business without feeling depleted or hardened. When we embrace our feminine nature, we nurture ourselves and the planet as a whole. It may seem counter-intuitive, but by developing our feminine energy we can actually draw in success to us, instead of constantly feeling like we need to hustle and grind.



Charito Helgason:

Very nice article. Well thought.


Thank you for all the great advice….I’m feelunore feminine just reading this!

Ted Elliott:

Exactly what I think is wrong with the world today. Women are so busy doing now that they have largely forgotten how to be. With this comes the problem of “where have all the good men gone”. Basically they do not want to be in a partnership where there is no polarity, when men leave work they want to leave the hustle of masculine energy for a safe harbour.


    I think the whole concept of masculine and feminine energy is misunderstood. As the author says, masculine energy manifests itself through drive, confidence and assertiveness whereas feminine energy manifests itself through connection, empathy and emotions. However, author is mistaken in assuming that masculine energy is solely present in men and feminine energy is solely present in women. Actually, every individual regardless of gender embodies both energies. Therefore, women should embrace masculine energy and men should embrace feminine energy within themselves.
    As a matter of fact, when men don’t have women to fall back upon, they discover feminine energy within themselves and become even more independent. That is why modern day men are not rushing to marry and start a family. As for women who are complaining…they are financially independent but are yet to discover masculine energy within themselves. Likewise men who are violent need to embrace feminine energy within themselves.

Mauri Favaron:

Dear, beautiful article!
Just began reading it, but you made remember me a tragic-comic phase in my professional life. That happened in Italy, mid-eighties, when my employer attempted turning me into a manager,
I did my best, but, no way. It wasn’t me. Too distant from the way I am.
And now, you damn, you made me remember all things, even more vividly than I like… 🙂 (This is a joke – but the substance of my feeling was precisely that).
I’m now very curious reading on…


It’s really hard for me to get back into my feminine after work or school. I’m so exhausted and drained after being masculine all day that I don’t even want to try!! I just want to sleep and eat chocolate 🙁
I love this article though 🙂 it’s very true and helpful! Thank you for validating feminine women, the rest of society sure doesn’t want to


Thank you! It’s really hard for us women to stay a true real authentic female in this masculine dominated world. But we should not forget that the Earth itself is feminine. So we have our back..????


Thank you for your words of wisdom…I feel by making peace with our feminity we truly can find our place in this world.


This article resonated with me in a deep way. I feel blocked, like something is holding me back. I’ve lost my creativity, my sensuality, the ability to let myself go. With a job, family, errands, etc. I don’t have time to be myself. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing.

Abigail Onekpe:

Thank you Amy, for this amazing piece. It is truly insightful and helpful. I intend to get to work, using the tips you highlighted. Thanks once again.


Thank you for this. It really resonates.

Monica Argueta:

Thank you so much for this article . From being a mom, student or going through a marriage, we forget our true selves. We forget we are women first!!! We must honor ourselves and have a “me day”. Dancing Bachata really helped me connect to my female energy. I dressed in high heels and allowed the man to lead me in a very sensual dance. This ignited a female energy inside me I had forgotten about. I was free to be female and move my body in a sensual way that was safe and artistic. I allowed me to let go and have a man take the lead as I swayed my body close to him. Forgetting about the world. Dancing is such an expressive form, Its just beautiful in my book.


“We also attract more feminine associated men into our lives. Men that can’t step into their masculine power and meet our needs. They feel wimpy to us, lack drive, or the assertiveness that we desire. It creates an unbalanced polarity and sexual attraction can fizzle.”

Suppose these ‘effeminate’ (the word you were looking for) men are actually just not sexually attracted to you?

I read this in the hopes of rejuvenating my feminine energy, for I have too much masculine energy. Alas, I suppose the measure of Binah was meant exclusively for women.

Great article!


I don’t fully agree or disagree. There are many women working in jobs out of obligation and not ones that they truly love. If you are a super “fem” woman but pursued law, or a high profile corporate job then you are likely often drained and feel inauthentic. However, if you were raised where you had to be the leader in your family, or were steered towards achievement regardless of your gender then you will feel most natural in these roles and receive fulfilment from these sorts of endeavors. The thing that is a challenge is finding a man that is more masculine in energy then you who you feel safe to “relax” into. In fact, for more masculine energy women this is one of the biggest desires we have. In a relationship I want to be feminine. I mean it’s so easy! And I don’t find switching to that hard at all. Excess feminitiy is dangerous when a woman gets in an abusive relationship and is not “assertive” enough to leave or makes excuses for the abuse of a man, or cheating, or his other short comings. You definitly want a balance of it. Also, there is nothing wrong with being logical. Not all women want to talk about shoppings, and boyfriends, and superficial things all day. And it’s really getting old to stereotype a feminine woman as one who “doesn’t thinkg too deep.” Really annoying.

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about the author

Amy Meraki

Amy is a writer and creative spirit currently studying sacred sexuality and self-love. She believes that the ultimate journey to self-discovery is through our self-expression, unlocking our creative genius, and tapping into our feminine power.

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