How to Use Breakdowns as a Powerful Tool to Open New Doors

We all have walls to climb.
We all have doors to walk through.
One step at a time.
Throughout different journeys in our lifetime, we climb so many walls, we walk through a few doors, celebrate our victories, give ourselves a much deserved break, then get back up and ready for the next round of breaking down to breakthrough.
Some breakdowns are easier than others and some are just unbearable as HELL!
You KNOW what I’m talking about, don’t you? Yes! You do!
Breakthroughs are never an easy state to go through, but they are so worth it.
Here’s a fact:

All that awaits for us on the other side of the walls and doors makes it all worth it: Freedom, fulfillment, light, LOVE, ultimate happiness and so much more awaits us behind the barriers.

It’s only then that we realize the blocks were created by us, in our minds, believing they were not in our control.
When we allow experiencing the pains and the fears, we realize our goals and dreams are far more important than the possibility of not achieving them by holding onto false beliefs.
That would be a very tough pain to recover from!
Therefore we need to muster up the courage to forgive ourselves and give ourselves the life that we truly deserve to live and love.

That’s why breakdowns are so important in our lives and we need to give them the credit they deserve.

If you perceive your breakdowns as downfalls and weaknesses, you will only be chained down even tighter by them.
They happen in our lives to make change happen, as without change and embracing what it brings along, growth does not take place.
So let’s start by opening your hearts to changing your focus for the way you look at breakdowns.
As I said, even though they’re not easy to embrace, it must be approached gently- one step at a time. It’s all part of the self-love process.
One key point to keep in mind is that breakdowns are a TEMPORARY state.
This fact will help you go through them easier, knowing the sooner you embrace and allow all uncomfortable emotions to go through you, the sooner you will get to the “other side”.
You can either let them control you for days, months and years to come or you can use them to your benefit to open the next level for you.
Don’t be afraid to feel all the sad and nasty emotions. If you allow yourself to feel them all, without distracting yourself, ignoring them, or brushing them away, you’ll fully feel the great ones such as happiness, joy, fulfillment and so much more, as well.
The decision is YOURS to make. Be sure to make it from a place of love rather than pain and fear.
Stay in each moment until it fully makes sense for you to move to the next and not because it’s just uncomfortable to deal with.
It’s about pinpointing the EXACT problem:
For example, when realizing you’re depressed, instead of doing everything you can to change your mood and state, stay, dig in deeper to find out what has caused you to be so depressed by asking all the “whys” by facing the real issue, accepting it, not ignoring or numbing it, and implement the direct solutions for the exact problem.
You’ll learn so much about yourself, your strengths and your worth.

The very moment you decide to face your pain, to look at it for what it really is, not more nor less, it’s the moment that the doors begin to open and walls start to crumble down.

Be aware of your actions and align them with your intentions.
We all ask for love, success, happiness, fulfillment, joy, honesty, kindness and so much more. We work so hard to achieve them but for many when the moment of breaking down comes to clear the old patterns and false beliefs out of the way, many numb, ignore or brush it away.
When you allow for the full breakdown to happen, let all emotions run through you and feel them at their utmost intensity, they soon fade away and will be replaced by all the feelings you desired originally.
Here’s a final thought:
Next time you’re confused, sad, upset, angry, hurt, depressed, doubtful, and/or shameful, tell yourself: “These are the EXACT emotions I need to feel fully to get to the other side. It’s ok to feel this way and I DESERVE fulfillment, happiness, love, and so much more.”
Then hold on for the highest ride of a lifetime!


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about the author

Tandar Tanavoli

Tandar Tanavoli is a certified motivational & lifestyle coach of both Anthony Robbins' Mastery University & Erickson Coaching College. Her work helps with all aspects of life: health, relationships, career, etc.
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