5 Ways to Handle Peer Pressure During the Holidays

As the seasons begin to change you can already feel the buzz of the holiday season in the air and a full to the brim social calendar. It sounds like a dream right?

Yes, but (oh there’s always a but!) the part we so conveniently seem to ignore as we roll into another Christmas season, is the aftermath. The bloated belly from too much finger food, the headaches from one (five) too many cocktails and the emotional stress of drama with loved ones.

So is it possible to surface on January 1st with a smile on your face, and your health still intact, but actually enjoy yourself over the holiday season?  

Absolutely! All it takes is a little know how, and some super simple actions to bring you out the other side.

Today I’m exploring 5 ways to show you just how simple it is to stay true to you, and come out on top!

1. Get Real.

(Banana peel) Christmas and New Year are a time for celebration, a very natural part of human nature! Trying to make it something it’s not, by keeping to yourself, retreating inwards, and remain unconnected is probably not really going to serve you.  

Be realistic about it. If you want to celebrate, then celebrate! Allow yourself the chance to let your hair down and have a dance. But a little forethought goes a long way. Which leads me to my next point.

2. Think Ahead.

Sounds boring right? Maybe, but you’ll be thanking yourself later.

Before attending an event, consider the scenario. If you’ve already decided that you don’t want to exceed your limits at the party, then consider how many, if any drinks is a comfortable number for you. Making it tangible, instead of just saying ‘I’m not going to get drunk tonight!’ will help you to stay on track, and feel a whole lot better the next morning.

The same goes for food. If you know the food choices aren’t going to serve you, eat before you go! Choose something that will fill your tummy and cells with goodness. You’ll arrive not needing food, and you’ll be less likely to eat less nutritious options when you’ve just filled yourself with goodness.

Us humans, love framework. Give yourself some realistic guidelines to follow that allow you to have fun, but also enjoy the morning after.

3. Take a trip down memory lane.

Always seem to forget how horrible you feel after a big night? In prepping for your event, remind yourself of those moments.

Ask yourself ‘how will I feel about myself tomorrow, if I drink too much tonight, and gorge on junky food?’. My answer to this questions is always that I’ll feel upset with myself emotionally and feel ill physically.And then ask yourself if it will truly be worth it? Sometimes the answer might be yes, and that’s okay. But more than likely the answer is no. 

4. Reflect.

As I was saying earlier, this time of year is for reflection and celebration, but generally we don’t give ourselves the chance to reflect alone.

Consider taking some time out for yourself and reflecting on the year that was. Note down your favorite achievements for the year, the hurdles you overcame, how you’ve grown, and the beautiful moments you never want to forget from 2016. This will help you connect to the true essence of the season.

5. Stay true to your values, but compromise too.

I’ve had my share of family and friend hurdles at Christmas time, and let me say they can really dull the sparkle of this beautiful time of year. If you find yourself in the midst of confrontation, remember two things:

1. Stay true to your values. Never let someone persuade you into doing something that you’re not comfortable with out of guilt. You are NOT responsible for anyone else’s emotions, just your own. So make sure you protect number one. Opting out of situations that aren’t your idea of fun is okay! Give yourself permission to say no.

2. Sometimes, it’s okay to compromise.

There have been situations where I have done something I wouldn’t usually enjoy because I know how much it means to someone I care about. Sometimes, it’s okay to bend the rules a little. Watching someone you love experience something that brings them so much joy, will positively affect you tenfold!

Trust yourself to make a choice between whether you need to stand strong, or bend the rules.

Now I’d love to hear from you! What are your tips for staying true to yourself? Remember, your idea might be just what someone else needs to read, share abundantly!


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about the author

Kate Caddle

Kate is a love fueled life coach, speaker and writer. Her purpose is to inspire and empower women to live their truth.

Through her online space, coaching sessions and sold out speaking events, Kate helps you cut through overwhelm, fear and stuck stories to truly live an authentically beautiful life. Encouraging you to ask yourself the tough questions, dive deep and take action.

She’s an advocate for self care, living gently and getting super comfortable in your own skin. She’s passionate about passion, and loves nothing more than seeing women live a life they love.

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