Your 3 Secret Weapons When Building Your Business

Building a business takes a lot of time, energy, and isn’t always the easiest path. There are 3 secret weapons I want to share to help you when building your own business (or working towards a goal!). They are:

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude, using daily affirmations & celebrating everything!!!

1. Cultivating a gratitude practice.

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
-Melodie Beattie

A big part of intentionally designing a life and business you love is being present and mindful throughout the journey. Gratitude is the quickest way to shift your mindset and cultivate more abundance in every way.
When you notice your heart feeling a little heavy or the inspiration levels are a little low, practicing gratitude is the ultimate pick-me-up.

It is like a superpower we can tap into at any time.

If you find your thoughts are focused on the things you don’t have, past events or the things that aren’t working for you, it is time to make gratitude your go-to attitude.

Practicing gratitude on a daily basis will change your life and business in the best possible ways. Dwelling on all of the things that you aren’t  happy with, thinking you can wish them away will only keep you stuck.

By focusing your attention on the things that make you unhappy, you are actually missing all of the amazing things that you already have in your life and business. Plus, energetically you are inviting more of the situations and feelings that you don’t want, again and again.

“Energy flows where attention goes.” 

Once you switch your thoughts to practice (I say practice because it takes time to learn and like any new habit requires us to do it repeatedly before it becomes natural) being grateful for all you have, you will be open and able to invite and receive more of those things into your life.

“The more you thank life, the more life gives you to be thankful for.”

So how do you begin practicing gratitude?

There are so many different ways and I am a big believer in tuning into you and finding YOUR way of doing things.
A few of my faves that can be done on their own or together as a daily/weekly gratitude ritual, are:
  • A Gratitude journal.
  • A Gratitude Jar.
  • A Gratitude Prayer.

2. Using daily affirmations.

“I listen with love to my body’s messages.”

Using affirmations can have such a positive impact on your life and business. They allow you to think, speak and act as though what you want is already your present.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Don’t dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want”?

Well, this is exactly the same for your life and business.

A lot of people (including myself, at one time) can struggle with saying something that they think isn’t true, but see right there, that is your thoughts leading the way, ‘you can’t say that because it’s not true’ but then that is exactly what you and the universe are believing.

What if you started believing it was the truth and exactly how you want your life, is how it is?

This doesn’t mean that saying something once will then magically make it happen. As all good things, it can take time and most importantly your belief.

“Affirmations are like planting seeds in the ground. It takes some time to go from a seed to a full-grown plant. And so it is with affirmations – it takes some time from the first declaration to the final demonstration. So be patient.”  Louise L. Hay

You’ve got nothing to lose (except an old mindset that hasn’t been working for you, anyway) and everything to gain my friend.

Think about how you want to feel and what you want for your self, your life and your business, and then put that into a few sentences or one beautiful line that states those wants as though you already are, do, feel and have them.

3. Celebrate Everything!!!

“Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is.” – Mandy Hale

Celebration is a hot topic with my coaching clients, friends, and entrepreneurial community and that is because we all do not do it anywhere nearly enough.

We have become a “doing” society, which can definitely have it’s pro’s and if you utilize it, can see you go very far.

But what happens when you are constantly doing and don’t stop to enjoy all that you are achieving?

You will lose yourself. Forget why you started. Even start to doubt your capabilities and question your purpose.
Celebrating gives us the chance to recognize ourselves.

A moment to stop and be proud. The time to revel in the fruits of our labor, as they say.

We all deserve to celebrate ourselves and our achievements. It is so important to do this along the way of our inspired journeys. I also believe it plays a big part in our success too.

Celebrating yourself starts with recognizing all you do and the things you have to be proud of in yourself, your life, and your business.

One of the tools I share with my clients is a simple task of writing down 3 things that they are proud of themselves for every day. This brings their awareness to all of the small and big things they are doing that they usually don’t pay attention to.

Then it’s onto celebrating them. This can be by sharing a moment with a loved one, enjoying a delicious meal, buying yourself a gift or anything that creates a moment for you to illuminate your achievements and treasure them.

How will you celebrate yourself and all the amazing things you have, do and are?


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about the author

Amy Mackenzie

Amy Mackenzie, Founder of Designing her Life, is the go-to Life Coach for Girl Bosses, Change Makers + Women in Biz. She is also the Co-founder of Solopreneur Society an online community for female entrepreneurs, cultivating connection, support, and sisterhood.
You can join the Inspired Entrepreneurs & Co private Facebook community over at her website or can follow the social links for more inspiration.

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