Moving on from a Relationship? How to Say Goodbye in a Sacred Way

Are you moving on from a relationship in your life? Maybe that relationship is with a person, or maybe it is a job, geographic location, habit, mindset, philosophy, religion, thought, or something else.

When moving on from a relationship is our intention, it can help to create a formal goodbye.

I invite you to use the following letter as a template for your own goodbye ceremony.

  • Insert the words that make sense for your particular situation.
  • Print out the letter, so you can hold it in your hand.
  • Create a sacred space for your ceremony: light some incense, play healing music, or go out into nature and sit underneath your favorite tree.
  • Speak this letter aloud, slowly, making sure to allow the energy of each word to fully absorb into your being.

Take as much time as you need. If you need to cry, cry. If you need to take a five-hour bath or totally just chill and relax for the rest of the day, please give yourself permission to do just that.

Once you have read the letter aloud, slowly tear it up into tiny pieces and, if possible, burn the letter. By burning the letter, you signal the conclusion, the final release.

Of course, if the relationship you are ending is with a person or with a job, then you will need to soon have some conversations. However, it’s so important to do your goodbye ceremony first, as it sets the stage for clearer, more conscious conversations later.

The ceremony allows you to begin moving on from a relationship with ease, trust and resolve.

In the days that follow your ceremony, if any doubts, sadness, or negative feelings arise, simply acknowledge them, feel them fully, and then allow them to naturally and gently flow through and out of you. If you allow yourself to feel, you will find—quite amazingly!—that the feelings will dissipate on their own.

It is only when we try to resist the feeling that the feeling persists. So, do not fear the feelings. Allow them, feel them, and watch them move away.

The Goodbye Letter:

Dear [insert name of person, place, situation, habit, etc.] ,

The time has come for me to say goodbye to you.

You have been a beloved companion, a wonderful presence in my life for _____ years/months. I am so grateful you have been in my life because you taught me how to_____. Also, you helped me to _____.

However, I now realize that our relationship no longer serves me. I have reached a stage of my personal evolution where I am ready to peacefully and gratefully release you. In so doing, I allow space in my life for something new, which will better serve me.

I am ready to move on from you.

Therefore, as my intention is to move on, I ask the Universe to now cut the cords of attachment that may linger in my energetic field. I ask that my spirit guides, angels, teachers, and/or beloved ancestors to be with me at this time and help me, as I make this much-needed transition. I ask that I be surrounded by a protective shield of light. I ask that my mind be clear of doubts, and I ask that my heart be free of negative emotions regarding this change. I also ask that my body be strong and healthy, as I undergo this shift.

It has truly been a wonderful journey with you ____. I am now releasing you, freeing you, and allowing you to dissolve from my life.

Thank you. Farewell.

With Love & Gratitude,

I hope that this letter helps you in your journey of moving on from a relationship with peace.


Kristy Petersen:

Oh I love this!! I’m totally going to use this letter for so many different aspects in my life.
Kristy xx

    Anya Light:

    Yes, I love how multifunctional it is! I’ve used it for so many different situations–and people! Sending you love, dear Kristy:)


Wow amazing way to say goodbye, this article came at th right time for me, i am abt to write this letter. Thnx alot

    Anya Light:

    You’re very welcome, Amna! blessings!


Thank you so much for this. I will be needing it to help me let go of my divorce. Xx

    Anya Light:

    Dear Kerry, you are beautiful! May you let go of your divorce and feel peace within your heart. Be blessed, dear one:)


I so needed this letter this week! This letter empowers me to not let things (myself/my mind) hold me down! Thank you Anya for writing this amazing letter!

    Anya Light:

    Wow! Thanks for the feedback, Dee! Thank you for reading and empowering yourself! xo

Erica Smith.:

I just read this. So glad I did. I chose to leave a relationship due to it was no longer serving me but my heart misses him already and has filled with self doubt. It was not emotionally healthy for me to stay involved with him. I’ll be waiting this letter tonight and will keep the link for future purposes.
Thank you for positive words tonight.

    Anya Light:

    Dear Erica,
    You’re welcome. Thank you for following your heart:)


can you give the letter to the person?

donna rhino:

One might imagine that would be seen as giving back some of the power. I think to just go through the exercise as it is would be interesting–letting relationships dissolve is contrary to so much social conformity scripting.
Another interesting note in your question, as I reflect on it— We always want to share everything and immediately, like a reflex now. Anya is encouraging people / women to keep a closed circuit as a change and see if that is more empowering.
Perhaps, if you do want to share the letter, do the ceremony as prescribed and then write a second letter that you do intend to share. I wonder, for all of us, what will then be the difference! *\o/*

Super Awesome:

Just a note to say, I recently used this again- I have a dear friendship of multiple decades, and for about 5 years after their marriage broke up in 2012/2013 we got to be Best Friends and laughed, epically, and it was AMAZING! I’m generally a single person and they became “available” in a new way. I helped them figure out how to be single, and just so much. It was beautiful. And .. came to an end, or a place of necessary transition. I used this ritual to prepare to close the chapter, and return to a place of normalcy, where I’ve been usually in these almost 30 years of friendship. I think performing this and taking the whole change super-seriously is something that will save our friendship and keep us intimate well into our old ages. So, I know you don’t like to hear from me and I see my other comments are erased, but you did provide this one very useful exercise, and I thank you 🙂 <3 *\o/*


Wow! Thank you. This is perfect for ending a 5 year relationship that has run it course, grown apart, without being angry, accusing or blaming. The ambivalence has been terrible, though my intuition and inner self knows it is time.
I will use your template for my own ritual, and some features of it for my goodbye letter/speech.

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about the author

Anya Light

Anya Light, PhD, is a healer and lightworker. She is the author of Opening Love: Intentional Relationships & the Evolution of Consciousness. Anya is also the creator of the growing blog community AWAKENING WITH at

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