How to Get Through the Holiday like a Goddess

Most of us are still finding our footing after a pretty rough Scorpio season. Not to mention the harshness of this year. If you feel like you are emerging out of a dark cave, cautiously taking one step at a time, you aren’t alone. I feel though, that those turbulent times were part of our preparation for what is ahead this holiday. I don’t mean that there is another storm coming, but there is a reason for everything in this universe.

We are being presented with an opportunity to recognize the growth that has happened for us over the course of the year. We have all gone through some pretty drastic changes in the last 12 months.

Whether these changes happened in your internal or external world, you showing up for the holidays may not be the you that everyone is expecting.

Here are some tips for getting through this time of year as your new self.

1. Take Responsibility

Responsibility is the first and hardest step to becoming empowered in your life. Taking responsibility for how you feel and recognizing that, although your emotions are seemingly caused by others, they are only a call for you to see where you are not in alignment with your Highest Truth. I know you want to blame aunt Susan for her snotty comment and freak out on cousin Dave for his condescending remark, but those feelings of hurt and disgust that have surfaced are emotions that were inside you all along. These feelings are yours, nobody else’s, thus no one is responsible for them but you.

2. Create Space

So then how do you deal with these emotions that come up? If you take anything away from this post, let it be this. Being out of your routine is a sure thing for the holidays and with that comes feelings of ungroundedness, misalignment, lack of balance, lack of clarity and even disconnection. In dedicating time each day to reconnect with yourself, you not only give yourself an opportunity to regain balance, but you also show yourself how much you are still a priority. Your sleep pattern will be off, you won’t be eating the way you usually do, and you will probably have more walls up than usual.

There are all kinds of circumstances that will be entirely different from your usual way of being. And through all of this, it can almost feel like you’ve lost all of your progress or you aren’t where you thought you were. But those feelings and thoughts are just a reflection of how you feel about your current situation and not an accurate depiction of your whole life.

3. Stay Committed

The most important part of creating sacred space for yourself over the holiday period is your commitment. One of the ways you can support yourself in maintaining this commitment is by keeping a consistent schedule.

Having a specific time each day dedicated to you will help you stay on track. You can make a point to wake up a bit earlier than everyone else, or it can be a ritual you engage in right before you sleep, whatever it is you decide, stay committed to it.

4. Use your alone time wisely

This goes for space you create as well as those rare instances where you find yourself completely alone. To make the best of these opportunities, it is essential that you have a plan of action. It will be helpful for you to have a go-to task or practice to start when the opportunity arises. Whether it be meditation, journaling, moving, reading, or maybe even creating; whatever brings you back to your center, do that.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • When you’re taking a shower, you can use the water as a visualization tool to imagine your energy being cleansed.
  • When we are feeling ungrounded, or our bodies become compromised by poor nutrition or lack of sleep, we can quickly take on others energies and collect emotions or thoughts that aren’t ours, so it is essential that you take time to cleanse your energies.
  • Going for a drive is sometimes the only therapy you need. Being alone in the car offers a space of realness like no other. Music blaring or absolute silence, equally therapeutic.
  • Meditating is one of my favorites. Lock yourself in a room and sit (or lay) there in silence for as long as you need. The magic tool for those times when you can’t find quiet anywhere is headphones. Get on Youtube, look up “Meditation Music” and bathe in those healing frequencies.

5. Pick your battles

This will probably be the most challenging aspect of the whole ordeal. When you get so many people from so many different worlds coming together, you are bound to have disagreements and confrontation. Each one of us of completely hyper-focused into our little realities. And when we are interacting with each other, it is like multiple universes colliding with one another; sometimes this is harmonious, and sometimes it is not.

In recognizing that we each live in our own world’s based on our beliefs and perceptions, this takes the edge off of anything that anyone says to you because you come from a place of knowing that your truth is your truth and their truth is their truth; no one is more right than the other. On the other hand, I feel situations may present themselves intentionally to offer you an opportunity to choose yourself. Sometimes, especially with family members, we tend to have unspoken contracts and highly conditional relationships with these people without even knowing it.

2017 has been a majorly transformative year, and you’ve had some time to gain more depth and understanding of yourself about what you believe in and who you are as a being, so do not be afraid of maintaining your truth and standing your ground. You might even find yourself taking it a bit further than you would have in the past but this time from a place of empowerment and love, rather than feeling the need to justify and defend yourself. Without conflict, there would not be growth. So embrace these opportunities as much as you can and remember who you are.

6. Deliberately find joy

I know it can sometimes feel like the odds are stacked against you and that the holidays bring nothing but challenges. Ultimately, though, this is a time of joy, at least those are the intentions behind it. Allow yourself to enjoy this time as much as you can. Let go of your judgment and surrender to what is. Just like everything else, this is all only temporary.

Happy Holidays, Goddess.


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about the author

Matayla St.Jean

Matayla provides a bridge between modern life and spiritual teachings. Through holding sacred space and offering wisdom on various practices of empowerment, self-acceptance, and self-love, Matayla guides her clients back to the truth of who they are. In her work, Matayla uses multiple tools including Reiki healing, guided meditations, intuitive guidance and much more.

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