5 Crystals You Need to Start Your Collection

You asked; we listened! While there are many fun crystals to collect, and believe me we are addicted to collecting, we chose five that are absolutely essential for your starter pack collection! ENJOY and HAPPY COLLECTING!

5 Crystals You Need to Start Your Collection and What They Do:


Clear Quartz is also called Rock Crystal or Ice Crystal. The word “crystal” comes from the Greek “krystallos”, meaning “ice” as it was thought to be water frozen beyond thawing. In fact, Roman ladies even carried crystal balls to cool them in the Summer. In some Asian cultures, Clear Quartz was thought to be the congealed breath of the White Dragon.

Clear Quartz is valued in the world of technology as it is excellent at transforming mechanical pressure or heat into electromagnetic energy with the ability to focus, store, amplify and transform it. Clear Quartz is used to amplify healing and energy, manifestation and intention. It is a Master Healing stone and programmable crystal that amplifies and stores whatever intention is put into it.

It expands consciousness, connects you to past lives, facilitates guide communication and allows you to feel in harmony with existence. It connects to higher guidance, enhances inner peace & calm, brings clarity in thought and communication, filters out negativity and stimulates positive feelings. It balances & harmonizes all chakras and protects the aura while doubling the energy field.

What to do with Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz can be used for virtually anything!

  • Use as a “programmable” crystal to amplify intention.
  • Use in bath water, lotions, oils or room sprays to amplify their qualities.


Rose Quartz can be cloudy to translucent in colors from deep pink to almost white. Rose Quartz symbolizes Infinite Love and is the absolute best Heart Chakra and Heart Healing Crystal. Rose Quartz brings comfort, compassion, peace, and love, helps to release emotional wounds, resentments, fears and assists you in giving and receiving love in a healthy way.

  • Stimulates love of beauty, in self, in others, the arts, and nature.
  • A gentle Mother Earth crystal that connects us to The Divine Feminine and the Heart of the Universe.
  • Is excellent for those who have not received enough love.
  • Helps process anger and ease forgiveness after a love relationship.
  • Rose Quartz is connected to the Greek Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Passion, Aphrodite, also known as Venus.

According to Mythology, Rose Quartz was created by the Goddess Aphrodite as she rushed to defend her mortal lover, Adonis, as he was attacked by her other lover, Ares the God of War. Jealous Ares turned himself into a boar and charged Adonis, cutting him. As Aphrodite rushed to save him, she was pricked by a briar. The two lovers mingled their blood which fell to the ground on a piece of White Quartz and forever stained it Pink.

What to do with Rose Quartz Crystal

  • Use to heal pain associated with the mother or for pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Use when ready to attract new love.
  • Place in a bedroom for peaceful sleep, enhancing love, tenderness, and sensuality.
  • Place at work to deflect unwelcome aggression or to ease gossip.
  • Beauty workers can place Rose Quartz at their workstation to enhance client’s ability to see beauty in themselves.


Citrine is a yellow quartz whose name comes from the French “citron”, meaning “lemon”. The stone ranges in color from almost clear goldish yellow, honey to deep goldish brown and sometimes contains rainbows or sparkle inclusions. Citrine is known as a stone of abundance, manifestation, clearing & willpower. Natural Citrine is said to never need clearing as it does not hold or gather negative energy, feelings or thoughts.

Citrine is related to the sun and represents a call to action with its vibrating energy, assisting you to bring dreams into reality. Citrine opens, energizes and activates the Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakras, stimulating creative energy, personal power, concentration, manifestation, and decisiveness.

  • Citrine has the power to bring cohesion to new relationships and pursuits.
  • Citrine is the stone of kings, riches & adventure.
  • Citrine resonates with the success, enthusiasm, joy, happiness, and power.
  • Citrine is useful for the overly sensitive to stabilize and protect the aura.
  • Citrine conquers depression, deep fears, negativity, and anger.

When you feel attacked and victimized, Citrine helps release sensitivity to criticism. Gold Citrine is also associated with Archangel Uriel who heals resentment. Sekhmet, the Egyptian Solar Goddess of War & Healing resonates with Citrine. Sekhmet has the head of a lion and the body of a woman and is known as “Lady of the Flame” whose skin glows like the Sun. Records dating as far back as 300 BC tell of Citrine used in Greek culture. It was thought to cause women to be fertile and therefore, happy. In men, Citrine was thought to make them charming, handsome and wise.

What to do with Citrine

  • Wear, carry or use Citrine in healing work for protection, clearing, and clarity.
  • Citrine should be placed wherever money is kept to help increase wealth!
  • Meditate with Citrine to increase business, abundance, and manifestation.
  • Do not leave in direct sunlight. Like Amethyst, Citrine will fade in sunlight.


Smoky Quartz gets its color from aluminum and natural irradiation and ranges from a very light smoky yellow through ranges of brown, grey and deep black. Smoky Quartz is known as an Earth Stone and is very efficient at grounding and transmuting negative energy. Smoky Quartz is often called the “Stone of Power” as it is one of the most powerful stones for protecting, grounding, cleansing and helping focus.

It is known to deflect and return psychic attack, shield against theft, change moods from negative to positive, reduce hostility and gossip, protect against negativity, and help someone through the “dark night of the soul”.

  • Smoky Quartz is powerful for the Root Chakra as it moves primal forces for healing as well as the Solar Plexus Chakra.
  • Smoky Quartz creates a protective shield around the bearer.
  • Smoky Quartz gently dissolves negative energies and emotional blockages, releasing resentment, fear, depression, anger, stress and for tolerating and even flourishing in emotionally trying times.

Because of the dark, earthy quality of Smoky Quartz, this crystal is aligned with Earth gods & goddesses as well as gods and goddesses of dark powers and the occult. Smoky Quartz is the national gem of Scotland. Both Druids and Celts considered it sacred. It got its start from the Celts who colonized the British Isles starting about 300 B.C. where they mined Smoky Quartz in the Cairngorm Mountains in the Scottish Highlands. They dubbed darker crystals “Morion” and lighter crystals “Cairngorm”.

What to do with Smoky Quartz Crystal

  • Keep Smoky Quartz in the home, purse or vehicle for protection.
  • Put a piece of dark Smoky Quartz at home or work to ease tension.
  • Carry during stressful times for strong survival instincts
  • Keep around when you are building a new business or striving to reach goals.
  • Some have found Smoky Quartz to be a useful aid in quitting smoking.
  • Use for grounding, clearing mental chatter and transmuting negative energy.


Amethyst is a transparent to opaque purple crystal that gets its color when Manganese is present in Clear Quartz. Degrees of purple come from additional amounts of iron present. Amethyst opens the Third Eye & Crown Chakras enabling one to commune with Divine Sources. Amethyst is a high vibrating stone that eliminates low vibrating energies.

It also facilitates lucid dreaming, meditation, divine guidance, emotional healing, Clairvoyance, clear intuition, spiritual insight, and prophecy. As you open spiritual energy, it becomes a powerful spiritual protector to deflect and return psychic attack.

  • A Stone of Sobriety for alleviating addictions and over-indulgence.
  • Associated with faithful lovers.
  • Stimulates creativity and deeper self-knowing.

The Roman poet Ovid writes that Bacchus, Roman God of Wine and Intoxication was enamored with the unwilling nymph, Amethyst. Amethyst invoked the Goddess Diana who protected her by turning her into a crystal. In a rage, Bacchus threw his wine glass on it, forever staining it purple. In another version, Bacchus was angry and vowed that the first person he would meet should be eaten by a tiger.

The next person was innocent mortal Amethyst on her way to worship Diana. After Diana protected her by turning her into a pure white crystal, Bacchus felt like a jerk and poured his wine over the gemstone to forever give it a beautiful purple color. The name Amethyst means “not intoxicated”. From this legend came the notion that Amethyst can prevent drunkenness or overindulgence. Romans and Greeks would stud wine goblets with Amethyst for this purpose and wear Amethyst to help them sober up or to calm passion. In ancient times, Amethyst was worn to control evil thoughts, shield against black magic, treachery and to protect travelers. It was said to turn pale when an enemy was near.

What to do with Amethyst

  • Use Amethyst to strengthen the spiritual area of a love relationship.
  • Wear or carry when overcoming addictions.
  • Wear to deflect negative energy or energetic attack.

We hoped you enjoyed this article and are excited about starting your crystal collection!

Ready to expand BEYOND these Five Essential Crystals?




I have a few of these, will def add more to my collection. Thanks Zen Rose Garden xx

Sarah P:

Where is the best place to get crystals from?

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Zen Rose Garden

Meet The Zen Rose Garden Team Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD & David A. Caren, CHt About Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD & David A. Caren, CHt Helping PEOPLE Grow! Zen Rose Garden is dedicated to the healing, empowerment & self-realization of the individual on all levels.

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