5 Non-Restrictive Ways to Enjoy Yourself and Stay Healthy While on Vacation

Before we get to my top traveling tips to stay healthy while on a vacation, I first want to address the most important tip of all. This tip directly addresses the “Bathing Suit Fear” that so often creeps into our minds once it sinks in that we are actually headed to a sunny beach (or pool, etc.). That Is  “The Bikini Body Phenomenon” which has flooded our televisions, gyms, and news feeds.

Ladies we all know that the “Bikini Body Phenomenon” may look good, it may sound good, but let me tell you this … it is all just hype! This holds a dear place in my heart as so many clients have come to me after booking their vacations with an extreme want/need to look good in their bathing suit for their upcoming holiday! And don’t get me wrong, I completely understand this feeling, and I help them realistically accomplish this, from the inside, out!! Not only do they look good in a bathing suit but more importantly, they FEEL good in a bathing suit (big difference).

So here is my tip of all tips – Girl, your vacation is a well-deserved escape, a time to unwind, recharge, and reward yourself for all that you regularly do. Negative self-talk (for example – I hate my stretch marks), extremely restrictive dieting (for example – no carbs until we fly out) and excessive exercise (for example – hours on the treadmill) are not what is going to make you feel good in your bathing suit during your vacation.

The only thing you need to do to get a “Bikini Body” ready is put the darn thing on and hit the beach.

Enjoy yourself on your time away, and don’t waste time on all of the bikini body hype. Vacations are a time for self-love, appreciation, and rewards. Beating yourself up because you’ve got a little extra jiggle going on is counterproductive. Get to the beach and soak up the rays, you are entitled to it just as much as anyone else, regardless of what your body looks like in a bathing suit. Please do not stress over this!! You are YOU and you are beautiful – the only one of YOU in the world!

Now that I’ve cleared that up, let’s get into my 5 non-restrictive ways to enjoy yourself and stay healthy while on vacation.

1. Exercise

Even though this a break away from your normal reality, our bodies still thrive off of exercise and movement. By no means do you have to keep up with your regular exercise routine during your vacation, but it is important to intentionally move. Most resorts have a workout center, beach activities, and group fitness classes.

Take advantage of this if you can, but if this isn’t your thing or these options aren’t available, you can always hit the beach for a walk/jog or complete a Hotel Room Workout. I have many Online Clients that travel for work, so they spend a lot of nights in Hotel Rooms.

I created a Blog Post that included a Hotel Room Workout that they could use on their travels. I have included the link to this workout below. Private, quick (30 minutes) and effective (full body), this workout requires no equipment, just a bit of space, your body and the drive to take care of it during your travels!!

2. Water (H20)

Soaking up the rays in hot weather, salt water (and pools), and alcohol is all a recipe for dehydration AKA Vacation Disaster. The last thing you want to do is dehydrate your body during your vacation! Staying hydrated will help keep you energized and ready to take on any adventures that come your way (like laying on a lounge chair in the sun all day).

Another benefit of drinking enough water is a prevention of heat stroke and bloating. The more water you drink the less your body will retain. Weird, right? So, if you want to avoid that bloated feeling, flush toxins out of your body and keep your body functioning properly during your stay, make sure you always carry a bottle with you (on the beach, during your excursions, and before/during/after your workouts). Slam that water ladies!

3. Alcohol

Probably the second most important liquid while on vacation. Just kidding. Don’t worry, I’m definitely not going to suggest that you shouldn’t consume any alcohol unless that’s your thing (then all the power to ya, girl). My only suggestion here would be to limit those sugary drinks (margaritas, daiquiris, etc.) as they are jam-packed full of sugar and excess calories.

After you’ve enjoyed 1 or 2, I would suggest switching to something less sugary, like wine or your choice of liquor (vodka/rum/rye/etc.) with soda water and fruit (lemon/limes/local fruit) for some added flavor. Limiting the sugary drinks will save you a TON of extra calories, but it will also save you from severe hangovers and wasting precious holiday time sick, in bed.

4. Food

Attention: Buffet does not have to mean “All you can eat”!! Most resorts/hotels offer breakfast/lunch/supper buffet presentations that included a wide variety of food from local to worldwide cuisine’s. However, this does not mean you have to stack your plate full every time you eat. Be mindful of your food choices when dishing up.

Try a few goodies each time but balance that with more fruits and veggies so that you get your daily nutrients in. This way you will avoid overeating, overindulging and ultimately wasting time, feeling gross in a “Food Coma” (we’ve all been there, it’s no fun). The rule never changes; when we eat junk, our bodies feel like junk. Taste the local food, have a few treats, but be reasonable so that you can feel awesome while on holiday and not regret your food choices (food guilt) when you get home.

5. Supplements

This is something I have only recently implemented during my vacations. I have found packing some of my regular supplements helps me stay on track while I’m away. After all, supplements are there to “supplement” your diet and during a vacation, it’s not always easy to get all your nutrients in. I’ve found having some of my staple supplements on hand really helps to bridge the gap in this area.

I will pack a few servings of my protein powder, multi-vitamins, and sometimes I’ll throw a few protein bars in the old’ suitcase. I bring these with me to the beach and during days spent off the resort. It’s always good to have as a backup snack if needed. All in all, you MUST enjoy yourself. Relax, indulge, be lazy, recharge. Take care of your body and this will make returning home to your regular routine a lot easier and guilt free.

Aim for minimal overeating and ALWAYS stay hydrated. Choose your alcoholic drinks wisely and purposefully move your body a few times throughout your vacation and I know you will feel amazing during your stay and upon your return home.

If you stick to the above tips, I guarantee you will be able to stay balanced and enjoy your vacation with a happy, healthy body and mindset!! Balance it, have some fun and re-charge your heart, soul, body – you deserve it! Most importantly, enjoy yourself!!


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about the author

Jessica Lawrence

Hey, I’m Coach Jess, founder of Revive Fitness. I help Women take control of their health and fitness while rebuilding their mindset, to create a permanent, happy, healthy lifestyle! I love to connect with you all, so come pop into my favorite social platforms and say hi!

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