The Strategic Method to Chasing Your Dreams

We are all placed in this world for a specific purpose and we all have a birthright to actively and fiercely chase our dreams. For many, fear plays a larger role than they realize and can stop progress before you even begin.

How many times have you had a grand idea that you shot down within minutes? Those are the very dreams I’d like to talk a little about! But not just identifying those dreams but how to effectively chase them!

1. Clearly define your dream

Before you can chase your dream, you have to have a clear definition of what that dream is! Be clear about what you want out of life and understand how you’re going to accomplish those goals. Start with the big picture idea and break it down into smaller more tangible goals with realistic timelines. Don’t know where to start? Google knows! Seriously whatever it is that you’d like to accomplish, Google the steps necessary to get there and create a customized game plan to get it done! Seriously, it’s that simple!

2. Identify what’s stopping you

Before you can fully chase your dreams, it’s worth evaluating what has been stopping you so far! Don’t ignore your roadblocks because you’re going to need that information in order to plan accordingly. If you’re habitually late, what steps can you take to prevent this roadblock? If you tend to forget things, how can you plan for this? If you’re feeling unorganized, find a system that works for you! And if you tend to get frustrated with not knowing where to start, the resources are available in the technology world we live in!

3. Come up with a game plan

With every major accomplishment in life, it’s going to require a detailed game plan. Granted there are some things that might happen by luck, but very little things in this world happen by “luck”. After all, luck is when opportunity meets preparation right? So, with that being said…let’s make sure we prepare for this opportunity before it knocks on the door. Once you’ve done the “homework” from step one, you should be able to create your detailed game plan. Start with the big picture goal and break it down into smaller tangible steps with realistic deadlines attached.

4. Surround yourself with like-minded people

Almost as important as discovering who you are is understand who is it that you surround yourself with. When I first began to really chase my dreams I had to have some honest conversations about who I was connected to (and why), and were that adding to or taking from my life? There were some friends who were offended because we’d been friends for “all these years”, yet there wasn’t a present benefit to that relationship it was completely stagnant. And I’m not saying go around burning bridges (although some might need to be burned down!) but what I’m saying is maybe people need to be adjusted in their placement in your life.

As you being to surround yourself with people who are energetic and engaged in their own dreams you’ll learn that energy is 100% transferable. I’m not saying they have to be doing the same things that you’re doing, but they should share your level of passion, energy, and urgency. And maybe you need to evaluate where a given person fits best in your life. I tried to turn a friend into a business partner and it just didn’t work because we didn’t share the same tenacity or urgency. Didn’t make her a bad friend, nor did I need to burn the bridge, but I did have to evaluate whether the business partnership was worth it.

5. Just do it!

At the end of the day there comes a point where you’re just going to have to rip the Band-Aid and just do it! It’s going to require a lot of courage and ultimately it will be challenging, but understanding your “why” will help. Why do you want to achieve this goal? Why is it important to the rest of the world? Who will suffer if you chose not to chase this dream? Why should you even bother? Getting to the true answer to those questions will help you stick to the dream even when you feel scared, frustrated, or overwhelmed!

Are you looking to create a better life for yourself? I offer a 5-week Development Boot Camp offering guidance and accountability in the areas of Spiritual Growth, Professional Development, Financial Freedom, and Physical Health. Visit to schedule your free consultation!


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about the author

Tiara Nicole

My name is Tiara Nicole and I am the founding CEO of Nicole’s Network. I am committed to serving others through my personal testimony and I motivate others to consistently work towards self-development in order to find the freedom in the most authentic version of themselves. I believe that if my pain can benefit even just one person, it was worth suffering through!

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