Spiritual Growth in Relationships – Should My Partner Be on the Same Page?

Feelings. Feelings. Feelings. We all have them! Especially when we are spiritually aligned we tend to feel as though we can feel and sense everything on a much deeper level. Sometimes we have conversations with others that are spiritually connected, and it’s like we tapped into a different language, and we start to feel energetically connected with the person we are having conversations with.

Then, you come home to your partner and notice that you can’t have those conversations with them, or they just might not understand why you go to 4 am Satna, always ripping Buddha rhymes, why essential oils are so necessary for you, understand meditation as deeply as you, want to interact in your crystal shopping, and the list can go on!

This is so common in relationships these days because spirituality has a deeper meaning and it’s spreading like rose water! Spirituality has changed so many lives and uplifted so many souls to another energy force but is also something that has been recently seen as a “trend” and people are talking more openly about it!

So what exactly is a spiritual partner?

Someone who can challenge you towards your higher-self meaning growth and is magnetically aligned to your beliefs and values. You both see through the lens of love and see everything around you with love. You practice your power of awareness and compassion. You work on healing yourself and possibly others from hidden traumas to be a magnetic energy source you were created to be.

I mention this because spirituality can come in many forms in a relationship and we tend to think since we have our own walk of spirituality, our partner will have the same walk too. But as spirituality teaches us, we are meant to see through the eyes of compassion and once we show up with love everything around us will end up falling together.

I have worked and seen relationships where one of the partners was taking a new spiritual leap while the other one was watching but yet supporting their partner. I’ve seen so many couples come back and say “I just wish he would be more spiritual.” But here is the best thing about committing to a lifetime of work. Your taught to limit your expectations and also taught to see things through the lens of compassion.

Let’s say your partner puts you down because of your spiritual practice and does not support you at all. Possibly he tries to discourage you from keeping up with your spiritual practice and belittles you in the process. Then this is a relationship I advise you to look closely at, as this might be a form of a toxic emotion playing into your relationship that will set you back from your personal growth. If this is you, then I would strongly suggest for you to analyze this relationship and possibly walk away.

But for most of you reading this you’re on that spiritual path and your partner might not know much about it and your craving for them to get there. They support you and want you to do what makes you happy but your starting to grow and to notice your relationship will thrive if they were too. If so, then I am going to give you some questions and answers that will help to move you forward.

You’re either trying to find answers right now or even considering breaking it off with your partner. The decision might make you a little uncomfortable because your intuition continues to ask you if this is a good idea or your intuition is making you question the relationship and you want to know how you can get your partner spiritually connected like you are!

Here is the answer…

You have to worry about you and only you.

Just because you are in a relationship, does not mean he has to follow the same path.

You become one in a relationship by your togetherness, but you do not become one when it comes to your individuality. Understanding that he is on his spiritual path and for you to continue to love him and keep on shining.

The light will come his way at his own time, and to his understanding. Focus on yourself and keep on committing to your meditation practice, yoga, and retreats. Find a tribe that you can talk to about the things that light your heart up spiritually. Do your vision boards at home and read the books that you love. Don’t diminish your practice just because your partner isn’t practicing the same thing.

Here is what may eventually happen. Which I’ve witnessed in 90% of my clients when they’ve wanted their partner to be more spiritually connected.

Here’s an approach to address spiritual growth in relationships if you are on different pages:

Focus on your practice

Continue to commit to your spiritual growth as this is healthy for you and the relationship. It’s important that your partner sees your constant commitment as this will encourage them to commit to things that they want to focus on in their life. It might be work, going to the gym, eating healthy, or enjoying a hobby they love. You will continue to encourage your partner as you showcase your individuality in the relationship.

Release attachments to the outcome

Starting now. Release the attachment of the control of the outcome. Everyone gets their callings in different ways, and if your boyfriend is a supportive man and a man of integrity, then this is a spiritual practice all on its own.

Be the light

You know when you continue your practice, and people start to tell you-you look happier, or you look different? Well, trust me when I tell you this. Your partner will notice it and see how happy and light you are. He will start to notice this one day and most of the time as years go on he will ask to go to a yoga class with you, he might even ask to do a meditation together.

This is when your partner starts to get curious and may want to be brought in. But again, you have to release from the outcome discussed in the previous tip.

Appreciate how your partner has spiritual connections

Don’t move into this relationship anymore asking for a timeline on when he will become spiritual. Instead look at things in a new found light and write down the ways he is spiritual. Like helping others, being a leader in some way at work, showing love to you by being affectionate, has self-discipline and goes for a run every morning.

These are all practices in their own way. You! You, the person that’s reading this article right now! There is a reason you love this man. Write down the reasons you love him. I can guarantee you will find what you’re looking for.

I have witnessed this in hundreds of relationships. Remember everyone is your spiritual assignment. Let go of judgment and see through the lens of compassion. Keep shining and vibing high. Everything will fall into place!




This write up tends to look from a female to male perspective, what about scenarios where the male seems to be more spiritual than the female, is the above principle still applicable. Thanks awesome write up👌

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about the author

Apollonia Ponti

Hi! I’m Apollonia. A certified coach, speaker, expert that specializes in coaching men in dating and relationships. Growing up I always had a passion for love.

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