3 Legit Ways to Transition to a Plant-Based/Vegan Diet

ContentsAdopting this lifestyle is fueled much more by your mental health state than whether or not you actually like healthy food. While this is a very introductory article about how to initially immerse yourself into this lifestyle, perhaps this will be your turning point…1. WHERE DO I START BEFORE HEADING TO THE GROCERY STORE LIKE A […]

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11 Keys to Inspiring Not Neutering Your Man

ContentsWhether you’re in a relationship or single, they are helpful in attracting the man you desire and on cultivating the love you long for:1. Honor His Vulnerability2. Trade Expectations for Gratitude3. Radiate & Bring Beauty into the World instead of Focusing Primarily on Getting Shit Done4. Appreciate Not Attack Each Other for Your Differences5. Trade Bitterness […]

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