Family, Friends & Personal Relationships

Healing the Mother Wound

“The past or the future? Do we cling to the past and stay with what we know or choose to leave it all behind and look to the future? The future is scary sometimes because it’s unknown but it can also be exciting and make your heart pound like never before.” – Author unknown. Most […]

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Top 5 Biggest Lessons I’ve Learned Since Having a Baby

I recently became a mum to a beautiful boy named Jett. Since his birth, I have personally discovered what many women have before me… that having a child can be our biggest lesson in life. I have read many books, but none of them have delivered their lessons as efficiently as birthing and caring for […]

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9 Guilt-Free​ Tips for Balancing a Career and Motherhood

If you’re like me and you’re trying to balance a career and motherhood, I’m sure you have days where you feel as though you’re being stretched in 50 different directions. Not only are you trying to keep up at work after sleep-deprived nights, you’re trying to hold it all together at home. Let’s not forget the […]

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How to Stop Worrying What People Think of You

Let’s be honest. We all worry what other people will think about us. I’m not here to make you immune to people and their (potential) opinion about you. Then, I’d turn you into some emotionally numbed psychopath. We don’t want that, do we? No, this planet needs more caring, empathy and love, and if you’re […]

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5 Reasons Why Every Woman Needs Soul Sisters

Soul Sisters, those ladies that just really get you. They are strong, heart-centered, like-minded women who uplift, support and empower you to be YOU. When you come across these amazing ladies, there is a knowing. You get this vibe, this amazing vibe. You are meant to be connected and it is beautiful. You might not […]

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Friendship Breakups: How to Heal and Move on

Friendship breakups can often times be even more painful than one with a significant other. Friendships play a vital role throughout our lives. In childhood, friends function as playmates with common hobbies or interests. During adolescence, friendships tend to deepen as we connect with people whom we feel comfortable telling our thoughts and secrets. When […]

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