5 Reasons Why Every Woman Needs Soul Sisters

Soul Sisters, those ladies that just really get you. They are strong, heart-centered, like-minded women who uplift, support and empower you to be YOU. When you come across these amazing ladies, there is a knowing. You get this vibe, this amazing vibe. You are meant to be connected and it is beautiful. You might not be sisters by blood, but you are sisters by heart and soul. Soul sisters are a gift from the Universe, and you share a special bond.

As little girls, all we dreamt of was finding this bond, of fitting in and belonging. Finding those girlfriends who we’d stick with and be there for always. Sometimes it’s hard to find these girls. Growing up girls can be nasty, judgmental and full of drama.

As we grow up, we realize that we can’t be friends with everyone, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have many powerful connections. We decide to surround ourselves with the real ones. The ones that uplift and support us. Empower us to strive towards those big goals we have that aren’t just silly dreams, they help us see they are doable. They are there every step of the way cheering us on and being so proud of us.

These sisters watch us do our thing and scream ‘That’s My Girl’ because they aren’t afraid to watch us shine. The emotional revenue you feel from giving this kind of support, and the empowerment you feel when receiving it is undeniable.

“You will always be… the sister of my soul, the friend of my heart.”

1. Soul sisters make you feel safe

Nothing is off limits, and you can speak your truth in every single moment. You can be yourself entirely because you know that you will be accepted, you belong there, you have found your tribe. You feel so empowered and supported by these women that you feel as though you can take on the world. You are brave and courageous and know that anything you set your mind to, you can do because they are right there beside you. This feeling is a breath of fresh air and keeps you going.

2. Connection

It’s way up there with love. It IS love. It’s loving you enough to put yourself out there. Connecting with you first and then connecting with others. It’s powerful, exciting and beautiful. Be open to it, and it will find you, I promise. Step outside of your comfort zone every once and awhile and reach out to those you feel you will have a connection with, you might be surprised, it might just pay off.

3. Finding your tribe is freedom

It’s the freedom to be yourself, to be authentic and honest. At peace in the world. This fantastic gift of believing in you helps you to grow, and you do things you have only dreamt of. You step out of your comfort zone and experience growth in ways you never thought possible, and when you reflect on how far you’ve come, it is beautiful. You feel so empowered by your soul sisters that you know you can do anything you have your heart set on. Humans need this kind of community and connection, we thrive and grow from it. When we are surrounded by the right people, our people, we can arrive at our full potential.

4. Social media and technology

We are so lucky that technology allows us to connect with people from all around the world. The beauty of technology and real connections is that you don’t necessarily have to have met your soul sisters in person yet, but when you do it feels like you’ve known each other for years.

5. Sharing our stories

An excellent way to form connections is by sharing our stories – they are powerful. They connect and empower us. When we share our stories, something beautiful happens. We let others know they aren’t alone. They can stop hiding, there are others out there that also feel the same, and they can be proud of where they’re at. They can find hope in knowing their dreams aren’t silly or small and feel empowered to take action towards them.

The connections we make are the best way to find ourselves. When we connect with others, we learn things about ourselves. We uncover the attributes we do want to allow to shine through, the ones we don’t want to and also the qualities that others possess that we see in ourselves. We can even reveal parts of ourselves that we didn’t know existed.

Our soul sisters do not come into our lives by accident. The Universe has a funny way of knowing exactly when we need them the most.

That is the magic of Soul Sisters.



One of the most beautiful things I’ve experienced over the last couple years is deeper connection in my relationships. It’s a connection that comes from being daring enough to reveal our authentic selves, share our vulnerabilities, and speak our truth without fear of judgement or rejection. I have Soul Sisters both near and far, but the one thing that joins us is this undeniable bond that continues to grow through love, trust, and unwavering support.

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about the author

Kirsty Head

Kirsty Head is a life and wellness coach and speaker. She stands for the generation of rising women choosing to design their wildest life and play by their own rules. Kirsty blends her expertise in life coaching, with layers of self-care and empowerment, to help modern women break free and shine.
Her mission is to inspire women to be brave in their choices, follow the limitless possibilities that life offers, and align with their heart’s purpose, unapologetically. Through self-love, wellness, and soul connection, Kirsty shows women that they always have a choice, and life can be abundantly sweet when you say yes to your dreams.

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