Family, Friends & Personal Relationships

5 Motherhood Lessons Every New Mom Should Know

The long-awaited day has finally come. After forty weeks of carrying around this baby, he/she is finally outside and laying on your chest. Suddenly, you really are a mom. You knew that you were a mom for the past forty weeks, but now it really feels like it. Overwhelming love rushes over you with every […]

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3 Ways to Avoid Family Drama This Holiday Season

Holidays can be the best part of the year, but sometimes, even the thought of meeting all your family members (especially those who you may not particularly get along with or have old hurts attached to) can be as painful and difficult to digest as much as a heavy holiday feast. Here are some useful tips […]

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5 Ways to Handle Peer Pressure During the Holidays

As the seasons begin to change you can already feel the buzz of the holiday season in the air and a full to the brim social calendar. It sounds like a dream right? Yes, but (oh there’s always a but!) the part we so conveniently seem to ignore as we roll into another Christmas season, is the […]

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Improve Your Tone of Voice to Communicate More Effectively

Our voice is our presence, just like you hear a roaring sound coming from waves that are crashing to the shore and know that the ocean is present. Since we were born, the very first time we opened our mouths we announced our persona, our presence was made known, we let out our first cry to […]

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The Breakdown of the Mother-Daughter Relationship

Why does the breakdown of the mother-daughter relationship happen? As a little girl, I would spend hours looking at my mother’s beautiful dresses and sorting through her jewelry box, and I thought my mother was the most amazing woman living some sort of magical adult life. I wanted to emulate her, be like her and […]

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Why You Should Let Your Child Be Their Own Hero

How close should we hold our young children? How much should we protect them from danger and keep them safe in our arms instead? Mama instinct often directs us to do these things, but is a little bit of danger a good thing? Yesterday my 7-year-old hero, Charlie, described his time at the beach as the […]

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