Health & Wellness

How Cancer Ruined and Blessed My Life at 22

Twenty-two is such a strange age to get cancer however, I couldn’t think of a better age for me to have dealt with a life-threatening disease. If you’re going through something excruciating right now, I want to tell you to trust that it’s supposed to be in your life. I was almost twenty-three years old, […]

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Being Mindful On and Off the Mat

Just four years ago I became a yoga teacher. At that time I was working some crazy hours in the Student Affairs department of my alma mater in pursuit of one day becoming a Dean of Students; trying to create a life with my then boyfriend, now husband; and finishing my 200 hour yoga teacher […]

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Recovering from Trauma and Disease: A Personal Story

I am a survivor. I was a victim of sexual and emotional abuse as a child, which left me suffering from severe anxiety for most of my life. I have struggled with many health issues including a 15-year battle with an autoimmune thyroid disease. I have experienced the debilitating symptoms of antidepressant withdrawal on and […]

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Four Sentences That Saved My Life

First, I want to let you know all your tears are important and your laughter too. We all have separate paths of heartache and joy. What works for some may not work for you. Try not to measure your pain or journey to someone else’s. How you feel is how you feel, and that makes […]

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How to Get Over Being Uncomfortable

I remember it like it was yesterday, it was the first time I worked out with my trainer. We had just started the workout, and I was already feeling light-headed, shaky and nauseated. It was worse than I expected, how did I let myself get this far off track? I could not get rid of […]

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How Fruit, a Shaman and Reiki Saved My Life

I declared January 2014 as my true rock bottom. I thought I had already hit it, dozens of times prior, but that was me lying to myself. Everyone says you’ll know it when you hit it and they were right; I had unequivocally reached it. It was the most defining point in my life. I […]

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5 Simple Tips for Glowing Skin That Won’t Break the Bank

Don’t you just love that feeling when you leave a spa? You feel transformed. Dull skin becomes bright and shiny; almost as if you’ve found a diamond in the rough. You’re a radiant, brand new woman. Well, what if I said you could actually get that same glow in the comforts of your own home! […]

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