Three Ways to Get Healthy During the Holiday Season

Yes, I said GET healthy instead of just staying healthy! The words “healthy” and “holidays” typically are not synonymous with one another but I think the holidays are the perfect time to implement some of those back burner health goals! You tell yourself after the new year hits, you will become the pillar of health.  You’ll hit the gym 5 days a week, maybe try a class at that new yoga studio and drink so much green juice you’re hoping to get sponsored by your favorite juice bar.

Then February 1st hits and those gym sessions are down to twice a week and the green juice is slowly being replaced by your old, massive coffee.  It’s time to do it differently this year so you can set yourself up for true, attainable success and not the generic February 1st failure. If you can start a healthy regime during the holidays (no matter how big or small), I guarantee you’ll realize you’re far more capable of success than you ever gave yourself credit for!

1: Eat one salad a day

You probably promised yourself you’ll eat more salads come the new year. Well, no need to wait.  I eat 1-2 large salads daily 99% of the time and it helps me tremendously!  I’m a realist and know you will be hitting holiday parties left and right indulging in delectable goodies.  Think of how good you will feel knowing you met your veggie quota for the day before you even walk into the party so any extra veggies you eat at the party will come from a place of want, not requirement.

A better way to think about it is like this: It will be much easier to wean yourself off of the treats in the new year with your daily salad habit in place as opposed to trying to start eating daily salads in a sea of daily goodies.  Trust me, I have tested this theory multiple times and the results are tried and true!

2: Take water with you every time you leave the house

Have you ever been out shopping for a of couple hours only to find yourself extremely dehydrated?  I get so mad at myself when I forget to bring my water bottle into the mall because I refuse to buy water when I know it’s in my car!  The times I DO bring water with me makes a HUGE difference in my energy level and mood in a sea of people I’d rather not be in!  Invest in a nice eco-friendly water bottle, fill it up before you leave the house (add lemon slices for that alkaline factor if you can) and see how an underrated act of drinking water can truly help you.

3: Immerse yourself in something that supports your mental health

I believe supporting your mental health is paramount to any healthy diet as it sets the foundation in every area of your life. You can eat all of the healthy food in the world but if you are bitter, angry or unhappy, you’ll never reap all of the numerous benefits of a healthy diet. My go-to is my nightly walks listening to my favorite music. This is something I have been doing since I was 13 and it helps me see things in my life more clearly.

I honestly don’t know what I would do without my walks as they help me that much!  It could be something small such as meditating for five minutes in the car before going into work, listening to a motivational self-help CD in the car anytime you go out or finally sitting down with that person you are having a rocky time with and figuring out how to mend the relationship.  There are a lot of people that seem to forget what this time of year is all about which is cherishing everything and everyone in your life no matter how big or small.

Just going to the mall can be very stressful this time of year and if you easily take on other people’s bad energy, you don’t want to bring that home! If you are consistently engaging in some activity that keeps you grounded and centered, you will notice over time you become less and less affected by other people’s stress.

The most important thing to take away here is to do what works for you!  If it doesn’t resonate with you, then you won’t stick with it!  You don’t like salads? Then try to eat 1-2 servings of vegetables at each meal.  Not a big water drinker? Then make sure you are hydrating yourself with something healthy like coconut water or a smoothie.

Maybe my mental health suggestions were too calming so try something more upbeat like boxing! The “ingredients” I suggest are not as important as the “recipe” which is to continually work and push yourself to a better you in the most loving way.  The best way to simultaneously help you and those around you is to nurture yourself first.

When they see you start to blossom they will undoubtedly feel inspired to make changes in their own lives. Leading by example is far more powerful that dictating with words. I hope your holiday season is magical, inspirational and filled with love, especially from yourself.

Happy Holiday’s!

Erin Simone


Debbie Meyers:

Terrific ideas, presented in a novel way! These are things that really do help, but many people may not always think of their importance. You have a way of relating to people in a warm and understanding manner!

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about the author

Erin Simone

My name is Erin Simone and I work, breathe and eat as a plant-based chef. Eating amazing, organic and health-healing foods is such a beautiful way to live! Quite simply, the more nourished, clean and healthy your body becomes, the more abundant your life will truly be.

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