3 Ways to Bust Through Negative Patterns

Negative patterns. We all have them, let’s be honest. We are human after all, but sometimes it might feel like there’s no way beyond them.

Almost like you were born with these ways of operating and you’re stuck with them… for good. I have learned that not only is there a way out of them, but the very solution is within you already. I’m just stopping by to help you bring it out into the daylight! Negative patterns come in all shapes and sizes. Whether it’s a dating pattern, thinking pattern, spending, eating, or simply being caught up in negativity, these are all things that can be overcome with a little courage.

For me personally, I used to date men who brought only crumbs to the table. It wasn’t until I finally realized that I kept allowing it, and therefore I kept attracting the same story, that I could bust through it. The same man basically kept showing up in my life, he just looked different. The lesson was the same each time, but I never allowed myself to learn it.

I eventually put my foot down, but it took me a couple of decades to realize that this was my pattern. Life was not trying to continue serving me unfulfilling relationships; instead, it was trying to teach me that I held the keys to the car. By jumping with two feet into this kind of thing over and over again, I was telling the universe that I was totally cool with it. I was allowing it, and by doing so I was saying, “yes, more please.”

Sometimes it’s hard to admit that we are in the driver seat of our own lives, but we eventually need to decide what we are willing to accept and not accept… even from ourselves. When we are not aware of our own power to change, we can get caught in the idea that maybe this is how things are supposed to be. Trust me, it’s not how things are supposed to be, but maybe it’s one of your greatest lessons. If you can see it in this way, life will not only become more fulfilling, you will become the happiest version of yourself. Guaranteed. Now let’s get to work!

Here are 3 great ways to bust through your negative patterns:

1. Become aware of what the pattern is and why it’s there.

Living in the past is not recommended for any long period of time, but take a quick glance back at how long it’s been lingering. Accept full responsibility by deciding that today is the day you are fed up and no longer willing to deal with this behavior. Can you see how you have kept allowing it to breed in various ways?

2. Get pumped to make your happiness a priority!

Although trimming the fat in some area of your life might feel uncomfortable at first, know that it will make you a much happier human. It’s almost like ripping off a band-aid. You just have to go for it, otherwise, it will be stuck with you. Releasing your ninja grip on something you’ve been clinging to for so long can feel chaotic. You will resist at first. You might freak out. Then you will realize that this needed to happen a long time ago.

3. Commit to change!

Be empowered to take the reins of your life. When we are used to doing things or thinking the same way for a long period of time, patterns can crop back up and we must simply remind ourselves that we are new and improved. We are not the person that we were before.

Are you ready to bust through your negative patterns? The best thing we can come to realize is that our life is in our hands. Anything is surmountable if we make the effort to break through that which has been inhibiting us. Your patterns are your biggest catalyst for change!

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about the author

Amanda Marit

I have a passion for helping women step into their inner confidence and truly feel LIT up about life + believe that anything is possible! Who you really are at your core is a confident, vibrant, inspired person with no limits to what you can create in your life! I believe we all have the potential within us LET GO of what's holding us back from feeling this way. I want to help you feel ON FIRE with you who are and where you're headed. We'll create it all together.

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