4 Ways to Deepen Your Intuition for Greater Success

Your career doesn’t exist separate to the other aspects of your life, it’s an extension of yourself. The more of YOU that is present in your career, the more connected and success you’ll feel on a daily basis. It’s amazing that each of us has this wonderful combination of gifts, skills, and desires. You have the ability to honor this unique combination by listening to your intuition and making decisions with the wisdom that lies deep within you rather than making decisions on autopilot or based on what’s simply logical.

Logic only takes you so far when you’re looking to create deep fulfillment with the direction of your career. There’s a lot happening beneath the surface in the mind that can’t necessarily be explained in words, images, or sounds. Science has demonstrated a great deal about what happens in the human brain, and we’re in the very early stages of understanding the other ‘brains’ that exist in other parts of the body (such as the gut) and how they inform our lives.

I find it astounding that we have this magical wisdom living inside us that we can tap into if we’re intentional about it. And this is wisdom that can have a powerful impact on your career.

Here are 4 ways to tap into your intuition to create more meaning, connection, and joy in your career:

1. Notice the physical signs

Start paying attention to your body’s cues. It shares a lot more with you that many people realize, and this can be a more tangible place to start rather than delving into the emotional side of things. There can be simple signs like leaning forwards and a faster heart rate when you’re talking about something you’re passionate about. Become aware of those things that excite you and give you energy, and prioritize those aspects of your career. There can also be complex physical signs of your intuition, like chronic physical illness that doctors and specialists are stumped by.

If you’re suffering from physical sickness and you’re doing everything to take care of yourself, consider if you’re truly resonating with each aspect of your life. When things are out of alignment, our bodies take care of us by sending signals that something needs to change. Headaches, digestive issues, abnormal heart rhythms, frequent colds, can all be signs that something is out of place. Definitely, continue to see a doctor as needed, but also consider what might be happening in your life that needs to shift.

“Our bodies communicate to us clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen to them.” Shakti Gawain

2. Make space by dimming the noise

Make space for your intuition by managing the stress and noise of daily life. It’s hard to pick up on subtle cues when we’re distracted by our surroundings. Dimming the noise looks different for everyone, but consider improving your time management and setting aside time that’s completely free of distraction. Meditation and journalling are incredible practices for meeting yourself wherever you are and witnessing what comes up. This can be difficult for those who are normally highly distracted and don’t usually take time to pause.

It gets easier, and it can be a breath of fresh air in your day when it’s a regular practice. And take care of yourself! Your to-do list probably won’t ever be totally done, so make sure that your health and wellbeing come first. Integrating short pauses in your workday can allow you to integrate your intuition more frequently throughout the day.

“You get your intuition back when you make space for it when you stop the chattering of the rational mind.” Anne Lamott

3. Write it down 

Have you ever heard a little voice in the back of your mind warn you against something, and you went ahead and did it anyway? It seems easy to ignore our gut feelings, but they’re there for a reason. The next time you feel like ignoring this voice, write it down. What are you feeling, and why? Does this remind you of any similar situations in your life? Journalling stimulates different parts of your brain than your inner dialogue or speaking with someone.

It’s helpful to process career choices and issues in more than one format, to make sure you’re not missing helpful messages. I often find that once I start writing, I make huge realizations about myself and my career that hadn’t been on my radar at all. It’s this magical wisdom again, sharing crucial messages for whoever makes the time to listen.

“Your intuition knows what to write, so get out of the way.” Ray Bradbury

4. Visualize 

When you encounter large decisions in your career, consider pausing to visualize the outcome. Take 3-5 minutes to sit, with eyes closed and envision each option in its entirety. What would it look like? Feel yourself moving into that role or working on that task. How does it feel? Does it fit with your intentions for your career? Just simply visualizing our choices gives our intuition the chance to speak up.

Look closely at what comes up when you do this. What are the feelings that come up? Visualization often provides images, feelings, and sensations that are just as important to the decision making the process as the words that arise through speaking and writing. Visualizing is a powerful tool you can use anytime, anywhere to let your inner wisdom guide you.

“Intuition is seeing with the soul.” Dean Koontz

As you make space for these practices and build on your skills, see how your awareness changes. The more you trust and rely on your intuition the more you allow your soul’s innate ability to know shine through. You have the opportunity to build on your career and make choices that feel supremely like you.

Choices that just click, and feel like they were meant to be. You deserve the freedom and clarity your intuition can bring to your career choices.



Love the Journaling idea! Craving and honoring more connection with myself this upcoming year. Thank you!

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about the author

Lauren Wallis

Lauren is a Career Counsellor, travel fanatic, writer and she loves helping people become more connected to and aligned with their careers. She's a warm, caring therapist and passionate about working with people who feel stuck in their careers and guiding them towards freedom and clarity.

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