5 Ways to Light Your "Mondays" on Fire

I’ll start on Monday.

I have so much to do!

My dreams and goals feel impossible.”

Does any of this sound familiar? By the way, how many of us actually start when Monday comes? I’m throwing my hand up right now. Guilty, party of one!

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that you remained stuck? You know exactly what you need to do, but have no clue where to even begin. You have an amazing vision for what your life will look like, but it seems so far away. There’s. Just. Too. Much. Is it even possible? How will it happen? You overthink and overanalyze until you lose all motivation.

You begin to doubt everything, so you don’t make a move.

Girl, have I been there. A few years ago I had dreams of building up my own business, but it felt SUPER overwhelming so I stayed stuck. I hardly took a step, yet still the vision remained clear in my mind. I would take a small step and then stop, wait for some time to pass and then take another small step…and stop. I did this for about a year. I was making minimal moves scattered across a long period of time, and somehow wondering why I wasn’t getting anywhere.

I always knew I was destined to be something great, so why was I holding back? The truth is we are all meant to be living a life that feels ON FIRE, so why do we put it off? Why do we give away every last bit of our power to our fears?

It’s time to snap out of it. It’s time to reclaim your inner power. It’s time to recognize that you are a worthy goddess and you have all of the skills you need! Even if you think you don’t, you will pick them up along the way.

You can do this. The only thing holding you back is self-doubt and we have a choice whether or not we want to buy into it. Let’s decide together right now that fear has no existence in your life. You have an amazing vision to bring to life, and the time is now.

The world needs you to feel lit up, passionate, and ON freaking fire.

Here are 5 Ways to Go Big in Your Life and Feel On Fire!

1. Stop believing your fears.

When the whiny inner voice comes in that says, “you’ll never make this happen” stop it dead in its tracks. Open your fist and blow the thought away. Come up with a word or a phrase to replace it with in that moment. Imagine placing that new, elevating thought in your hands and close your fist. Grab ahold of it with confidence. In time, you can begin to believe the new thoughts and detach from the fear.

2. There’s no such thing as the perfect time.

The time is NOW. Everything will be revealed to you when you take a step, and you just NEED to move. The energy of the movement will bring in opportunities and bright ideas for you to follow. Once you put the momentum forth, you will know exactly what to do next. Even the smallest steps in the right direction will begin to support your vision as long as you continue taking them.

3. Imagine what it would be like if you never made a move.

What would your life look like if you NEVER moved forward? What if you stayed exactly where you were at for the rest of your life? How would that feel? Imagine this and use it as ammo to move ahead with confidence.

4. Empower yourself.

Pump yourself up! Stand in the mirror and tell yourself what an amazingly capable person you are. Value who you are and know that you are worthy of having a life that feels incredible and in alignment with all of your desires! Allow this to fire you up and don’t stop until you’re inspired. Anything is truly possible in this energy.

5. Move your body.

Change up your environment and go move your body. Get outside and stretch, go to a yoga class, do 50 jumping jacks, etc. Shaking up our physical bodies allow us to get out of our heads and become more open to making the shift we need to make to set things into motion.

Anything you can dream up is absolutely possible, otherwise the dream wouldn’t even exist in your mind. Believe this now. The time to live a limitless life is today. Not tomorrow. Not Monday. Not next year. Today! If you need extra support, don’t be afraid to reach out and find someone to mentor or coach you. You are worth it! You don’t need to know the order of every step to get you toward your vision. Getting clear on your end result gives the Universe the address to your destination. Allow it to be your GPS and give you each step as you move forward with inspired action.


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about the author

Amanda Marit

I have a passion for helping women step into their inner confidence and truly feel LIT up about life + believe that anything is possible! Who you really are at your core is a confident, vibrant, inspired person with no limits to what you can create in your life! I believe we all have the potential within us LET GO of what's holding us back from feeling this way. I want to help you feel ON FIRE with you who are and where you're headed. We'll create it all together.

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