5 Ways to Stay Motivated While Pursuing Your Creative Mission

It starts with a dream. You may have spent endless days and nights imagining your sacred mission and how to create world-changing impact. Finding great solace in your epic vision, you begin to brainstorm how you can take the leap, and fulfill your dreams. As you build up the courage to pursue your creative mission, you finally start your journey with immense excitement and passion. After taking productive action towards what you feel is your life purpose, you go through days, weeks, or even months of intense flow and ease. You are a dedicated go-getter and dream-chaser, with unstoppable power.

On your new euphoric adventure, everything seems magical. You are creating a life you love! As you delve deeper in the process, pioneering new paths, you may start to hit some road blocks. Suddenly things start to change, reality hits, and you are faced with an even bigger challenge than before.

Your mind starts racing with a million questions, concerns, and what ifs.

Are you good enough?

What if you fail?

Is this really your life purpose?

Are you meant to do your mission?

For a visionary dreamer like you, this can be immensely damaging to your soul and sense of wonder. As your fears gradually become more intense, you are unconsciously blocking your creative self, preventing you from receiving joy. You may start to lose confidence,  become discouraged and disappointed, as you watch the image of your mission drift away. Suddenly, being a dream chaser doesn’t seem as glamorous and easy as you thought.

These are natural feelings and all part of the process. Changes in life are inevitable, and your work, dreams, and ideas are likely to be affected by the chaotic nature of life. The goal is to not let fear prevent you from believing in yourself, and moving forward. Life is a balancing act.

In order to achieve success, you must constantly realign your life with your goals.

Remember, you are on an adventure of a lifetime. Trailing new paths is not a route many pursue because they are inhibited by fear. You, however, are leading a different journey. You are a risk-taker, who chose to follow your divine mission. Connect with your inner sacred source and power, and you will find the courage to pursue your dreams again.

Here are 5 ways to stay motivated while pursuing your creative mission:

1. Write down three small step goals.

Small successes and keeping things simple are key.

On a sheet of paper, ask yourself the following questions:

-What is your creative mission or long-term goal?

-What are 3 realistic short-term goals you can achieve right NOW, that will lead you towards your creative mission?

2. Map out your vision board.

Create a vision board to remind yourself of your goals, and to inspire you to stay motivated.

You can use collage, drawings, or images from Pinterest, and display them on a bulletin board, poster board, or use it as a computer background. Make sure it includes your 3 realistic short-term goals and your long-term creative mission.

3. Find your tribe.

To become successful, you will need a supportive community. Network and gain connections with people who are on a similar mission, and are doing what you do. Take inspired action by researching networking events near you, reading books, attending seminars, and watching motivational videos! Find the courage to reach out. Most likely others want to hear from you, as much as you want to hear from them.

4. Create a daily affirmation and ritual.

State your intentions every morning, and delve within yourself, to find what you need today. In a notebook or planner, write down your affirmation, along with a journal entry about your affirmation, why you need it, and how you can use it. Make this your daily ritual, and combine your intention setting with a peaceful practice that relaxes you. Some suggestions are meditation, yoga, walking in nature, listening to soft music, or drinking chamomile tea.

5. Celebrate small successes and indulge.

You are a divine goddess, and deserve to be treated like one. Celebrate every small success with an activity that brings you joy. Allow yourself to indulge and feel alive! Taking breaks will allow you to replenish your energy, and refuel your creative self.


Kristy Petersen:

Yes this is just what I need! I’m on UNI holidays at the moment and don’t start back to March and can already feel my motivation to study slipping, I’ve written down notes from this article and I’m about to create a new vision board since a couple things on my vision board have already happened ????.
Love motivating articles like this to keep me on track!


Heeey girl! Absolutely love what you and your team do! I stumbled across you a couple days ago! Now I have you on snapchat, instagram, and YouTube ????❤️All I’ve been doing is watching your videos and getting some amazing tips! ????I Defo am writing this down! Love all your videos(haven’t watched them all yet! But I’m getting their!) what are your top 3 suggestions of videos to watch? Thank you thank you so much for what you are doing for giving us ladies your time and incredible advice ❤️❤️I’m sending so much love your way girlfriend! Sorry about the long ass message lol you deserve it x

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about the author

Natalia Sofia

Natalia is a dream-chaser trailblazing a new path, to empower women and enhance their leadership qualities, through creative solutions. She is on a sacred mission, fulfilling her role as a women’s leadership creative business coach, personal development writer, and intuitive artist. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring the magic & beauty of life, traveling, dancing, & regularly going on marine conservation expeditions.

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