7 Practical Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Workplace

It is completely unrealistic for a workplace to give you 100% happiness. Naturally, there are going to be ups and downs when it comes to working. When I am unhappy at work, I tend to compare to friends of mine who, from the outside, seem to have the perfect job.

Sometimes all we need is a fresh outlook on our career. Learning to look at something from a new perspective that you do so often, can really help. It is human nature to crave change and experience new things. Doing the same routine day-by-day can really begin to take a toll, especially when it entails reporting to a manager who you cannot find the motivation to work with anymore.

It is normal to go through this at some point in time at a job. It comes naturally with wondering if we are doing our job the best we can, or if we have to work for somebody we cannot seem to form a good relationship with.

If you are feeling stuck in your current job, here are 7 practical tips you can use to help:

1. Talk to someone you love.

Whether it be your best friend, mom or husband. Make sure it is someone you can confide in. Preferably, not another co-worker, as they could accidentally say something at work the next day.

Tell them your worries, fears and doubts. Speak aloud the thoughts rummaging through your mind. Keeping those thoughts confined and in your own mind can do damage, and the build up could root itself deeper in depression or anxiety. So talk about it and confide in someone you trust. Find out what the root of the problem is. They could offer you some great support and advice as well.

2. Write It Down.

Make a list of pros and cons of your workplace. Write down as many positives if you can think of. Which outweighs the other? Make sure you answer “why?” to all of your items listed as well, and make it as detailed as possible.

Find some me-time and journal the heck out of it. Write, draw, scribble out all of the emotions on that paper. Get it all out. Every single thing you are feeling. That journal is never going to judge you, and it will never react to what you are writing. It is only you, yourself and your mind. You will feel a thousand times better afterwards.

Try listening to some relaxing, chill music and let the tears, anger, or frustrations flow. Write down the feelings felt during the topic you are venting about. Holding back emotions can be really damaging for your health, so during your me-time, let it all out and don’t hold back.

3. Communicate With Your Boss.

Communicate, communicate, communicate! This could be slightly intimidating, but your boss (especially if they played a role in hiring you) likely has an investment in you and may not even know you have concerns.

Schedule 20 minutes with them and answer these questions:

  • What could improve in the workplace from your opinion?
  • Do you need more training in certain avenues?
  • When we start to see our growth become limited, we begin to feel less and less important.
  • What kind of needs do you have as an employee that you aren’t currently getting?
  • If the workload is too much and you are working long hours, ask for help if you need it.

At the end of the day, your manager is there to help you succeed.

If it is another colleague who is making your job more challenging, then schedule a one-on-one meeting with them and voice your feelings towards them in a respectable and professional manner. If they don’t respond the way you’d like, ask your manager if you could move to a new space in the office. It never hurts to ask. All relationships, including professional relationships, require open communication in order for them to be successful.

4. Be Thankful.

Pull out that journal again, and make a list of everything you are thankful for in your life. Go into detail on WHY you are thankful of each. List good qualities and memories with that person or item listed in your life. Reminding yourself of the positives happening in our lives outside of our jobs is important as it can be easy to forget. It can refocus our energy and give us a new outlook when assessing our current job.

Save that list, and whenever you have a bad day at work, pull it out and re-read it. Everyone needs a reminder sometimes.

5. Look Elsewhere.

If still aren’t happy with where you are with your career, look elsewhere. See what other opportunities exist. It never hurts to be open to new changes in your life. Take into consideration your own happiness. Is staying in a job you hate, for a promotion you are working so hard for REALLY worth it? Or can you take your talents elsewhere?

Take this one into consideration for a period of time. Make sure you figure out every detail before moving on to a new opportunity, especially finances.

6. Find Your Passions.

Getting caught up in your own mind is really easy. A good way to stay distracted is by finding a hobby or activity you enjoy doing. Whether it be going to a cycling class, yoga, joining a new gym or even a book club. Find your passion, and get involved.

Being isolated in your own fears is never healthy, and this could help expand your horizons into meeting new friends and new endeavors in life.

And most importantly…


Meditate or pray.

Take some time to spiritually grow and surround yourself with positivity and happiness. Who knows, maybe meditating will help shed a new light on the next move you are going to make with your career and life. Have a little faith in something bigger than yourself.

At the end of the day, you can’t let a workplace make you feel any less of yourself. Remember: You are important, you are valuable and you are loved.


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about the author

Ashley Taylor

Ashley is a US expat who moved abroad to Australia for a job in sales and manufacturing, even though she studied PR & Advertising at the University of Alabama. She loves learning new things everyday and has a passion for working out and living a healthy, balanced lifestyle. If not working, or doing yoga, you might find her listening to hip-hop, reading an inspirational book, or trying her latest hair and make-up ideas. She also has a joy for writing and enjoys sharing her passions with others.

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