7 Ways to Bring More Joy, Ease, and Flow into Your Day

I’m a firm believer that the secret to success and living a whole, happy life lies in your daily routine and habits. As soon as you begin to cultivate regular daily practices and good habits, you will bring more joy, ease and flow to your day – not only making you feel good, but helping to propel you forward, towards your goals.

I’ve compiled 7 simple ways for you to bring more joy, ease and flow into your life, every single day:

1. Practice daily gratitude.

Practicing daily gratitude aims to bring your attention back to the here and now and everything you have to be thankful for.

When your focus always is on what you don’t have, there will never be enough, no matter how successful you become. There is always more, more, more to be had and without stopping and fully appreciating everything we have right now, it becomes incredibly draining to always be outward seeking all the time.

There is always something to be grateful for and expressing this heartfelt appreciation shifts your outlook and instantly boosts your mood.

Try it for yourself: Write down 5 things you are grateful for right now.

Make this a daily habit and build it into your routine so it becomes something you look forward to each day.

2. Live with intention + become the master of your own life.

Guiding life philosophies are powerful beliefs and intentions that shape your daily life. They are simply the self-created rules you choose to uphold each and everyday so you become the master of your own life.

Having clear guiding philosophies can help you in several ways:

  • So you can make better decisions.
  • To help Improve your discipline.
  • Motivating you to achieve your goals.
  • Improving your relationships.
  • Living your purpose.

To create your own, here are a few questions to help get you started:

  • What do you value most?
  • What values do you most aspire to?
  • How would you describe the most authentic version of yourself?
  • Which words best describe who you want to be?
  • What are you passionate about?

Take 5 minutes to review these questions and jot down what would be most meaningful to you.

3. Establish a morning routine.

How you start each and every day is super important and if you set yourself up for success each morning you can bet that the rest of your day will follow suit.

There is loads of research to suggest that how you structure your mornings can have a dramatic impact on your productivity motivation and overall well-being so it seems like a no-brainer to get this right.
There is no right or wrong way to structure your morning, but the key thing is to set it up in a way that works for you and is conducive to getting you in the right mindset for you to kick butt each day.

Here are 10 uplifting ideas you may like to consider incorporating into your daily routine:

Move your body by doing gentle yoga routine or exercise.


Have a warm glass of water with lemon juice.

Repeat positive affirmations.

Read something positive + uplifting.

Write down 3 things you are grateful for.

Set your daily intention.

Set your One Big Goal for the day.

Eat a nourishing breakfast.

Wake up an hour earlier.

I challenge you to review your current morning routine + think about what tweaks you can make that will set you up everyday for success!

4. Nourish your spirit.

Taking care of you and nourishing your spirit on a daily basis is necessary for your personal sanity. Making sure you get plenty of sleep, fuel your body with nourishing food and creating sacred space for you to get back to the core essence of you will help you to show up and be the best version of yourself.

Whether it’s waking up 30 minutes earlier and going on a walk; carving out time for you to read an uplifting book; journaling your thoughts and cultivating a regular mediation practice – work out what you need to create as baseline so you’re productive, happy and feeling good, everyday.

5. Pay it forward.

When was the last time you gave a compliment to someone else? How did it make you feel seeing the other person’s face light up? I’m guessing pretty good, right? An instantaneous way to make you feel good is by doing something nice for someone else and lavishly dishing out kindness to everyone around you.

Dish out compliments; pay for someone’s coffee; fill up the parking meter for the next person; leave happiness notes in unsuspecting places – these are just a few ways you can help spread around kindness. There is no better way to make you feel good than by doing something nice for someone else. Set a goal of giving a compliment and spreading kindness around everyday and watch how your world transforms.

6. Move your body.

It is so easy to make excuses on why you don’t have the time or energy to exercise, but did you know that exercise will actually give you more energy? When we exercise, endorphins are released, triggering positive feelings in the body, which means it’s a great way to de-stress and will instantaneously lift your mood.

Don’t have time to get sick or having trouble focusing? Regular exercise will help to keep your mind sharp and boost your immune system. 30 minutes a day, that’s it. Make the time. Feel better and be more focused and productive in what you need to do. Trust me, your body will thank you for it.

7. Simplify.

In our over-complicated, over-stimulated lives we’re running from one thing to the next, peddling fast, but never actually achieving anything. We are ‘busy’ when we are not working towards goals, but filing our lives with unnecessary ‘stuff’ that is not adding value to our life.

Being productive is only when you are working on activities that are helping you achieve your goals.
Rather than loading your to-do list with more things to be done, why not take a different approach, and un-do instead – remove everything that is not adding direct value and moving you towards your goals.

The art of un-doing means:

  • Raising your level of consciousness.
  • Practicing mindfulness.
  • Living and working with intention.
  • Less busy work.
  • Less procrastination.
  • Simplifying processes.
  • Creating efficiencies.
  • More goal-kicking.

I would love hear your thoughts on this topic – what action can you take and start incorporating today that will help nourish your mind and fuel your soul?

I would also love you to invite you to get your own personal intentional daily planner that will help you plan each and everyday with intention, so you can reach your goals and love your life!


Tonya Jugenheimer:

This was such a well written piece. I do some of these things in my everyday life but others I’m going to definitely start to incorporate into my routine.
When I pay it forward even the littlest amount it makes me feel so good in side. I should really give back more often even if its helping at a soup kitchen or a can food drive at church. That will be a goal I set now that I read this piece.

Rachael McGarrie:

Simple, easy ways in which your life can just ‘be improved’ … I’m looking forward to tomorrow

Kristy Petersen:

I love this! I do a lot of it already, one thing I’ve been wanting to do but struggle with is waking up earlier.. now that I live in QLD and the sun rises at 4:45 I think I can make myself get up at 5-5:30 and move my body for a nice walk around the block.
Kristy x

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about the author

Rachel Gadiel

Rachel is a writer, speaker + mindset mentor who supports 30-something women find their zen and create a life they love from the inside, out.
Her mission is helping women to transform their relationship with themselves + ditch the habits holding them back so they can experience joy, ease and flow everyday.
She has sweet spot for pretty stationery + will never say no to raw desserts.

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