Fall, the Season of Self-Introspection – 7 Ways to Create Abundance and Opportunities

“Not what we have, but what we enjoy constitutes our abundance.” – Epicurious

Fall is nature’s most abundant season. The time of the harvest, Autumn presents the perfect opportunity to reap all the efforts we’ve poured into the year since January. During the last few months of the year, we’re called to slow down, draw within, and theoretically, hibernate as the weather gets cooler and we gear up to celebrate the coming holidays and New Year ahead.

Given the intense pace of life these days and the heaviness of all that’s happening in our world, Fall is a vitally important time of year for our renewal and nourishment on the deepest levels possible, mind, body, and spirit.

When we nourish our lives we are vibrating at the highest state of thriving with every fiber of our being, at a cellular level everything flows. Or flows over.

Abundance is defined as ‘an overflowing fullness’.
It is the knowing and Trust that all our needs are met.
That we are safe, loved and cared for at the deepest level.
That we can create or manifest our desires without limitation.
That we are truly LIMITLESS and in our infinite nature can call upon our creative power to be, do and have whatever we wish.

When we feel abundant, we don’t fuss about our thighs, or stress about our belly. We don’t feel an anxious tightening in our chests, or a frenzy of overwhelm as we rush from one thing to the next.
We don’t feel much of any discomfort, because we just ARE Present, alive, free.

But what we don’t often consider is that abundance much like happiness is an inside job. We must consciously curate abundance, be cultivating an active experience of this fullness daily.For example, one of the reasons we love taking vacations is because we give ourselves the opportunity to immerse in a blissful experience. One in which we get to explore, play, rest, recharge and connect to the richest levels of pleasure available to us. We are in control of this. We’ve created it. It is not outside of us. And yet, when we don’t make space for abundance and pursue it as we would any other desire, we won’t feel abundant. We cannot reap what we do not sow.

Much like the vacation we plan for months at a time, we can also curate an experience of abundance by thoughtfully arranging our time and energy. By carving out moments for our own enjoyment regularly, we invite a greater, more abundant, experience of ourselves and our lives.  Not just on a vacation or Friday night, but every day. When we save our enjoyment and pleasure to once or twice a year or on the weekends, we do not feel the presence of abundance.

When we don’t feel abundant, we are so much more likely to turn to food, alcohol, sweets, toxic relationships, and other unhealthy habits for emotional fulfillment. The problem, of course, is that these things never make us feel whole.

It doesn’t have to be this way. When we tend to our lives with the utmost care, we thrive. When we thrive, everything around us thrives. When we are in our joy and pleasure, we attract more joy and pleasure.

When we experience pleasure regularly, we are less likely to turn to food, to feel numb below the waist, to feel anxiety and stress all the time. Your life is your kingdom to shape. When you care for yourself, the more you can access your own wisdom, strength, clarity, and sense of purpose. The more you embody these qualities, the more successful and abundant you will be.

Your life is your greatest work of art. Give it space. Give it time. Give it love and attention.

The Fall season offers many gifts and opportunities to create abundance. When we capitalize on the energetics nature provides us, we can make great strides and create greater radiance from the inside out.
A period of rest and reflection, we may have more of a desire to draw inward. Much like the bear hibernates in the winter months, so too do we desire to slow down, rest and reflect.

By capitalizing on the introspective nature of this time, we can create greater abundance with active, restorative practices.

Now is an excellent time to:

1. Get to bed early. The hours of 10 PM to 6 AM are your best for the most restorative sleep.
2. Create a luxurious morning or evening ritual that stimulates each sense.
3. Read more for enjoyment.
4.Take long baths with candles, incense, and music.
5. Self-pleasure, aka solo sex.
6. Slow down by removing things from your schedule and to do list.
7. Take care of your skin. Using high-quality organic products of course.

Because Fall weather is typically colder and more drying, you’ll want to focus on warmth and grounding in your food and movement choices, within your relationship you’re your connection to yourself.

Some things to include, holistically speaking include:

• Eat more root vegetables (i.e. beets, sweet potatoes, onions), warming spices (i.e. ginger, turmeric, garlic) and cooked vegetables
• Include more soups, stews, healthy fats and animal protein (if you eat it)
• Practice Yin yoga
• Get cozy and snuggle with loved ones
• Make time for soulful conversations and connection with your girlfriends
• Create time to connect with yourself through meditation, journaling, and listening to your body and intuition
• Create a practice of letting go regularly. Contemplate what you can let go of today. Is it self-judgment, perfectionism, fear, anxiety or worry? Write it down, burn the paper or allow it to dissolve in water.

The more you space you create for yourself to receive enjoyment from life, the more abundance you’ll experience overall.


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about the author

Stephanie Burg

A Board Certified Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach, Stephanie is a fierce advocate for the human form. She teaches women how to return to the innate wisdom and brilliance of their female bodies. Stephanie believes that when a woman loves the body she calls home, she embraces her power to create the life she was born to live.

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