How to Successfully Manage Your Brand and Personal Life Without Burning Out

Is it possible to manage a massively successful personal brand AND a booming personal life? The short answer: absolutely! All it takes is a little bit of balance.

You started your own business most likely for some kind of freedom. Whether that’s time freedom, financial freedom, location freedom, you know that you wanted to break free from the corporate norm and carve out your own path. You started the business, branded yourself, and had the perfect online home on top. But wait a minute… where is the freedom you were seeking out in the first place?!

Creating and managing a personal brand is rewarding in so many ways. You get to make an impact in this world from the comfort of your own home office. You get to shine in the uniqueness that makes up who you are. And best of all you get to choose how you use your days.

The double-edged sword when you become a personal brand is just that, you become your brand. When that happens, the old phrase “leave your work at work and your home at home” becomes ambiguous.

Partner that with a world that glorifies busy, and has a collective social media addiction, and you have yourself an easy formula for more work and no play. Too many entrepreneurs spiral into the idea that rest is a reward, sacrificing their own wellbeing and personal life for the business.

What happens when your life is all work and no play… you burn out!

The exact same reason you ditched that 9 to 5 in the first place. This is why I am a huge believer in balance before burn out, babe! Your health and wellbeing are not meant to be sacrificed for success. Put yourself first and watch your success get amplified!

Let’s clear something up right off the bat here, balance by no means is meant to look perfect. This doesn’t mean you work five hours then rest five hours. It simply means bringing yourself back to center, recognizing when you’ve fallen into the depths of busy and need to bring yourself back to life!

Here are five tips to help you run a successful business without burning out:

1 | Create non-negotiables

What are you doing for yourself each and every day? Give yourself a break by creating three self-loving habits that you commit to doing every single day.

For me, it’s the three M’s, movement, meditation, mind dump. I make sure that every single day I get up from my computer and move around in whatever way feels good, meditate to listen to what’s playing in the background for me, and mind dump out that overwhelm in my journal. By committing to these things every day, I break the pattern of busy and do something that brings me peace.

What are a few things that can bring you back to ease and flow in your day?

2 | Give yourself a challenge

While we are busy being the go-go-go girl, we forget about the things that we actually really enjoy doing or the things that help us to grow because it’s not on the to-do list. I like to consistently create challenges for myself to keep on track with new growth in my life.

Last month I realized I stopped reading. I played this story in the background that said, “you don’t have any time to read a book, there’s way too much to do.” When the reality is I love reading, and it is one of the things that inspire me in business. So, I challenged myself to one book a week + sharing what I learned in my inner circle for external accountability.

How can you challenge yourself this month to expand your creativity?

3 | Start asking this one powerful question

Our minds are constantly taking the driver’s seat and putting us on autopilot. It’s time to listen up so you know how to bring yourself back to center. Start by asking yourself this powerful question:

What do I need?

When’s the last time you checked in with that? Check in what YOU need, not what others need around you. Check in with your own needs so you can allow yourself to balance back out again.

4 | Vision Check-ins

We all know about painting the picture, and having a powerful why, but are you checking in with that vision? You are a multi-dimensional human, your life changes, your environment changes and because of this your why and big picture vision can change too. There’s nothing wrong with this, it’s just part of being human. Give yourself some grace in your life seasons, the more ease we give to our changes the easier it is to balance out to center!

5 | Make space

Have some freaking fun with your work, sister! That’s why you chose this business anyways, right?! You picked the perfect combination of what you like + what you’re good at, so you could enjoy the work you put out to the world. Don’t lose that!

In order to bring in more balanced goodness, you need to create some space in your life. Check with your own joy every now and then. Is there a certain task that is draining you? If there is, what can you do about it?

What about surrounding you? Is there anything that feels like it is draining your energy in your personal space or even your online space? Clear it out! Your energy is being expanded in every space you have open, when you make room in your life you create space to accelerate your success or room to do something fun and new!

A successful personal brand and a blissfully full personal life are completely possible hand in hand, it doesn’t have to be one over the other. You can absolutely have massive success and deep inner peace at the same time. And trust me when I say that your success is not worth sacrificing your inner peace.


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about the author

Megan Seamans

Megan Seamans of is a life coach for women who want to get out of their own head and on with the life they are obsessed with. She helps them get back to their core being by supporting them in moving out of blocks such as fear, doubt, overwhelm, and their comfort zone. She believes in balance before burning out so her clients can have it all! Grab her free journal guide 6 Steps to Clarity on her website link below.

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