What Your Inner Child Can Teach You About Wealth

It doesn’t matter if you grew up poor, middle-class or rich. You may still have inner child issues that are sabotaging your earning potential, and creating a lack mentality that’s holding you back from financial abundance. These inner child issues make up your wealth consciousness. What is wealth consciousness?

If you’ve never heard the term before, wealth consciousness is simply the mental patterns you have around money that either keep you in a cycle of financial lack or in a cycle of financial abundance. For instance, if you think that money is the root of all evil, then you probably don’t earn a lot of money. On the other hand, if you think that there’s enough money for everyone, then you find it easy to earn money and are often thought of as “lucky.”

As humans, we have the capacity to make ourselves be right about things, so if you believe that money is evil, then you will avoid that evil. Think of someone who is a millionaire or billionaire today. Have you ever heard Oprah Winfrey say that her money is evil? The quickest way to gauge your wealth consciousness is to look at your bank account, assets, net worth or lack thereof.
Another determinant of your wealth consciousness is how you feel about money and people who have money.

This is a snippet from a wealth consciousness session with me and a client:

Me: “When I say millionaire, who’s the first person you think of?”
Client: “Donald Trump! The man is filthy rich.”
Me: “Nobody can deny that Donald Trump is rich! What do you think about ‘The Donald’?”
Client: “He’s greedy, selfish and a cutthroat businessman. That man is the devil.”
Me: “Oh, how do you know all this about him? Do you know someone he’s done business with before?”
Client: “Nah, I just know that most rich people are like that. I mean, you can’t have that much money without doing something immoral to get it.”

What did I learn about this client?

  • She believed in the ‘more money, more problems’ motto – i.e. “money is the root of all evil”
  • She thought that being rich made money dirty or unclean – i.e. using the words “filthy rich”
  • She thought of people with money as villainous – i.e. “greedy, selfish, cutthroat”
  • She harshly judged people who are rich – i.e. increased money equals decreased morals

This client didn’t realize that her wealth consciousness, or money mindset, was so negative and disempowering. She realized that these thoughts and feelings had always been with her, and her financial situation started to make more sense. Her judgments and negativity around money were why she made just enough money to pay her bills and sustain herself. She had food, clothes and a car, but she wasn’t able to do a lot of things that she wanted to do. For instance, she’d recently opted out of a group trip with some girlfriends because she ‘didn’t have the money’ and ‘couldn’t afford it.’

Most people have fallen on times like these, but she shared that she was a little resentful and jealous of all the fun that they had and she didn’t. So she had all of her needs met, but her quality of life was lower than she would have liked. Honestly, who wants to live paycheck to paycheck? It’s important to recognize that financial abundance is a wealth consciousness issue. And wealth consciousness is a mindset that you have to elevate if you want to change your money story. This means committing to understanding the true meaning of money and wealth and accepting the fact that you are meant to have money and live in wealth.

Because of my own past poverty conditioning, I’ve been diligent and dedicated to breaking the wealth consciousness code. I grew up poor and disenfranchised because of my environment and family dynamics. There were times when our lights and water would be off for months at a time. Therefore, it’s very important to me to witness my family’s financial legacy change; this includes my creating of generational wealth.

Through years of personal experience, intensive coaching of other women and massive hours of research, I’ve created four index types to help you determine your wealth consciousness.

Type 4 is Inconsistent Irene:

Irene has a strong wealth index and has experienced above-average measures of success, but may be inconsistent in generating money. She’s earned ‘good or decent money’ but sometimes generates it the hard way. She is generally happy with life, but not always satisfied with her success. It’s a good chance she has some subconscious feelings of there not being enough to go around.

Type 3 is Stagnant Stacey:

Stacey likely has some issues of self-worth on a subconscious level. She may feel like a mediocre earner, yet she’s afraid to break away from the status quo. It’s not that she’s depressed or sad, but she’s not excited or passionate about life either. Something is missing, but she can’t quite put her finger on it.

Type 2 is Repellant Rebecca:

Rebecca is in the money repellant stage, which means she has an unhealthy desperation with, or addiction to, money that actually repels it. She is probably doing both. She may sometimes make small financial advances, only to have a setback, so that she never really breaks through to the success or happiness she desires and deserves.

Type 1 is Faithless Florence:

Florence is either headed to, are already experiencing, severe or debilitating financial challenges. She is on a ‘cycle of victimization’ where she feels as if life works against her. She may have judgments about money and people with money, which work against her own wealth consciousness and earning potential.

Here’s what I know to be true about wealth consciousness:

  • Wealth consciousness is not just about money. Your wealth consciousness also affects your mind, health, and relationships.
  • Your finances are directly related to your feelings of self-worth and what you think you deserve or don’t deserve.
  • Your subconscious beliefs about money determine your wealth consciousness and these beliefs are generated by what you saw, heard and experienced as a child.


Kristy Petersen:

This post is awesome, I grew up with not a lot of money, but my Mum always did her best and made sure we didn’t go without. I used to be embarrassed that she didn’t work….which is why I think I try to always justify being a stay at home Mum.
I am not broke now, i would like more money that what I have haha, but I have always believed I am meant to be wealthy and I will be….once I finish studying. SO yay that I don’t think negative about money!
I also now kiss my bills whereas i used to avoid opening them and Im grateful I have the money to pay them.
Kristy x

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about the author

Carla Necole Williams

Carla Necole Williams is the best-selling author of "The Power Within: How to Heal, Love and Design the Life You Want,” and a certified Law of Attraction Wealth Practitioner. She helps ambitious women get to their next financial level by deactivating their wealth consciousness barriers. Carla Necole is dedicated to helping others change their family’s financial legacy.

Take the free wealth consciousness quiz on her website to find out your wealth consciousness type and how you generate wealth in your life.

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