What if the Modern Business World Was Bursting with Spiritual Entrepreneurs?

Everything starts on the inside—everything. As one begins their inner spiritual journey, it is important to honor whatever may be found on the inside as sacred and secure, a place no one could ever touch. Now, this spiritual nature is not commonplace in our modern business world. One is typically a profit-driven Entrepreneur or a Spiritually-driven practitioner. Despite this trending division, is there a way to blend these two opposites?

So many people are seeking more daily fulfillment, a life that connects us back to the things that matter. Being a Spiritual Entrepreneur is a great answer to this much sought after position. To truly understand the power of a fusion, we must first know the individual power of its unique parts. I describe spirituality as an intentional practice where we simply come into divine union with God and Spirit within the living moment, bringing meaning and harmony into the ordinary, aligning with the natural law of abundance, all while embodying this spiritual experience into our Earthly human demands.

Entrepreneur, on the other hand, can be described as an innovative person of passion and strength, who vocationally moves with a driving force, intention and purpose in every step. Embodying the role of being a spiritual entrepreneur is a blend of revealing your true self in commerce, knowing your numbers, walking your practice, birthing innovative ideas with data and a plan to illustrate its profitability, welcoming growth, and letting life flow. Therefore, spirituality is a verb while entrepreneur is a noun—this makes Spiritual Entrepreneur a profoundly active noun.

The journey of being a spiritual entrepreneur has no limits. It does not mean you have to quit your day job and run to an ashram, quite the opposite actually.

Simply stated, being a spiritual entrepreneur means that there is an inner guidance profoundly involved in your projects, decisions, and creations. 

My daily practice of being a Spiritual Entrepreneur began by holding an inner space of being connected and in alignment with Source, which allowed me to drop resistance and accept divinity to flow through my entire being.

Daily, I connect to the Earth and plug into God’s presence in meditation to ensure feeling grounded in my being, while connected spiritually. From this space, I am then led to create in the world, and share the projects that are dropped on my heart. My coaching work offers transformation to others so they may approach their lives and work with higher consciousness, health, and well-being. My crystal jewelry line was a project that came out of thin air, inspired by the healing components of crystals and making modern jewelry that could be worn to accessorize (and offer stable vibrations) throughout one’s day.

Through the wisdom and translation of spiritual theories and their associated practices, I simply remain open to creative ways to assist others to formulate and manifest the life they want to live. You will hear me say quite often, “being authentic to who you really are in your life and work, quite frankly feels like bliss!”

Embodying your true self is the first step on this satisfying road. Once you are grounded in your true nature, you are then able to share that with the world. This is the space where people connect to their soul purpose and live with daily meaning. So why not live your whole life from this place starting today?

When we look at business through the spiritual lens, we can see opportunities that connect us back to our source and remind us to seek a deeper meaning. The role of the spiritual entrepreneur is to approach commerce with a divine alignment first, while producing strong profit-generating ideas that lead to sustainable growth, innovatively identifying the needs of our community, and offering solutions that create a meaningful difference in people’s lives.

As we blend in the spiritual element to our modern business society imagine the inner and outer change that could happen. Imagine a life with vocational meaning, satisfaction, and alignment with who you really are. Imagine teams and corporations accessing this mindful space and the possibilities that would emerge. This is the backbone of being a successful spiritual entrepreneur in any line of work. What we put out into the world, always comes back, always.

Therefore, being a spiritual entrepreneur allows us to consciously co-create in the world, ensuring that the energy we put out is the energy we will receive.


Buy Box Experts:

It is important that you think carefully the things that you will do. There are lots of factors to consider, it is important that you seek guidance from the experts. Being able to surpass the challenges that come your way can lead to success.

Prosper Show:

Entrepreneurs are important since they were able to provide the needs of the people. It comes with their passion to reach out people. Being able to identify your role being an entrepreneur is a big help to develop your personal growth.

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about the author

Sophie Frabotta

Sophie is the founder of Awaken, a lifestyle brand that helps people transform through Life Coaching, Meditation, and Crystal education. She has a Masters Degree in Transpersonal Psychology, is a Certified Life Coach, Author, and Spiritual Entrepreneur who infuses consciousness into every project she works with

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