Passion & Purpose

Do You Know What Is REALLY Holding You Back?

Do you ever find yourself feeling disappointed, frustrated and upset after you’ve set your mind on something but you weren’t able to achieve it? I know this feeling all too well! So many of us set goals for ourselves that we feel really motivated about for a while, but then all of a sudden we […]

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Improve Your Tone of Voice to Communicate More Effectively

Our voice is our presence, just like you hear a roaring sound coming from waves that are crashing to the shore and know that the ocean is present. Since we were born, the very first time we opened our mouths we announced our persona, our presence was made known, we let out our first cry to […]

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7 Practical Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Workplace

It is completely unrealistic for a workplace to give you 100% happiness. Naturally, there are going to be ups and downs when it comes to working. When I am unhappy at work, I tend to compare to friends of mine who, from the outside, seem to have the perfect job. Sometimes all we need is […]

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How Having a Tribe Can Benefit Your Creativity

I clearly remember hearing the pastor of my family’s church share with us that when we prayed together as a congregation, we were more powerful than we prayed alone. I believe the same to be true about creativity. On our own, we can do great things, sure. But together, as a tribe and as a […]

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7 Ways to Bring More Joy, Ease, and Flow into Your Day

I’m a firm believer that the secret to success and living a whole, happy life lies in your daily routine and habits. As soon as you begin to cultivate regular daily practices and good habits, you will bring more joy, ease and flow to your day – not only making you feel good, but helping […]

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2 Questions to Ask Yourself Daily to Become Even More Fulfilled

In my work with busy women I have found one common underlying element – we all are overworked, overwhelmed and overcommitted but want to be fulfilled. We women of the 21st century have become very well trained in being super professional, awesome multitasking machines and confident achievers but we have forgotten how to say no […]

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Why Having a Life Coach is Crucial for Adulting

I’ll be honest: the first time I heard the term “life coach” – I didn’t really know what to think. I was 22 years old, fresh out of college, and absolutely giddy about my new graduate school program. About a week into classes, a group of used some of our free discussion time to talk […]

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Building a Business with a Mission and Purpose

I love women who are not only starting their own businesses but creating a business with a strong mission behind it. Having a business that supports you financially is great, but having a business that also supports you soulfully is amazing. I wanted to share my Q&A with Bridget Flanagan, co-founder of NOVAA which is an ethical fashion […]

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What Your Inner Child Can Teach You About Wealth

It doesn’t matter if you grew up poor, middle-class or rich. You may still have inner child issues that are sabotaging your earning potential, and creating a lack mentality that’s holding you back from financial abundance. These inner child issues make up your wealth consciousness. What is wealth consciousness? If you’ve never heard the term […]

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