5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Begin Living More Authentically

Are you pretending to be something or someone that you are not? Do you deep inside feel the fear of revealing your true personality and shining uniqueness because you are afraid of being judged or disliked by other people?

You can start the journey of your authentic self-discovery by asking yourself these questions:

Do you express yourself authentically?

Do you have a problem in expressing your needs, wants and desires (whether it be at work, while talking to people you care for or making love to your partner)?

Are you a “YES” person (all the time)?

Do you find it difficult to say “NO” to people in your life, even if you do not have enough time, money or energy to meet their requests or expectations? Do you over-extend yourself in order to meet everybody’s desires and needs, while your own needs and desires are being neglected just because you want to please everyone and remain a NICE and LOVING person?

Do you dress to impress?

Do you wear the clothes of your choice, because you feel like your personality is expressed in it authentically & you feel beautiful, comfortable and confident in it, or you blindly follow fashion trends? While there is nothing wrong in following fashion trends, but ask yourself, if you are in a place where nobody knows you, would you still be wearing the same clothes you are wearing today?

Do you dare to be different?

Do you go out at the most popular place in your town/city only (even if you would like to visit some other place) or go out on a date with a guy just because your girlfriends are saying that he’s “hot” (even if you do not find him attractive at all)?

Are you afraid to speak your mind and voice your opinions if it is going against the mainstream?

Do you listen to the “popular” songs, only watch popular sit-coms and only go to see movies your friends are raving about?

There is nothing wrong in all of the above if those are the things you really enjoy doing, but if you just follow the “should’s” imposed by your friend circle and mainstream culture, just imagine how much richer and joyful a life you could lead if you started doing things that you really enjoy, no matter if they are “popular” or not.

Do you know what is it that you really want or have you been told what is GOOD for you? Our friends and family members, no matter how good of intentions they may have, can only give us their own opinion (based on their own assessment, desires, judgment) on what would be good for us: what career we should choose, what job we should be doing, what kind of guy we should date (and get married to)… But that is only what they want or think is good for us! They can never know what is hidden deep inside our mind, heart and soul & our true desires and feelings.

Perhaps you have always been following the advice of people who mean so much to you, that you never actually asked yourself if the decision you made was what you really wanted. Perhaps deep inside your being, you do know what is it that you truly want to do in your life but you never had the courage to pursue it. Now is the time!

It is always our choice to get clear on exactly what we want in our lives and set clear goals and plans on how to make them happen!

If nature and order of the Universe wanted us to all be the same, we would not each have different fingerprints, DNA-chains, and personalities than other people. We would be all STANDARDIZED. But we are not. You are special and one of a kind.

It is time to stop hiding yourself.
It is time to get clear on what you want.
It is time that you show who you really are and how special you are!


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about the author

Danijela Jokic Vaislay

Danijela Jokic Vaislay is a life coach and motivational speaker from Europe, based in India. Her tips on happiness, success, Law Of Attraction were featured and quotes in many international magazines and personal growth publications, including The Huffington Post, COSMOPOLITAN, and Mike Dooley's blog. Her mission is to help people all over the globe, via her articles, live events, and private 1 on 1 coaching via Skype, to get unstuck in life and manifest their wildest dreams into reality.

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