Define YOUR Meaning of Success and Create Your Dream Life

We all have some idea of what a “successful life” should look like and very often that idea is defined by terms of the society we live in, the trends we are exposed to in TV, magazines, and movies, or by the expectations and beliefs we have created ourselves.

It could like like any of these:

success = getting rich (money, money, money!)

success = acquired assets (fancy car, big home, vacation home, yacht)

success = executive role in a corporate world (a.k.a. big office, BIG title and expensive suits with a silk tie, an assistant and a cover page on the Forbes magazine)

success = becoming a celebrity / famous

success = fitting in with the standards of society (nice job, owning a house, family and a cute dog)

But all of these things don’t matter much if we do not feel successful with our life even after achieving the “success” we thought we desired. We may still feel that something is missing in our life! You can have a lot of money, a big home, obtain a high degree, have a great job, but if you still feel unhappy and unsatisfied with your life, can you really call yourself successful then?

Ask yourself, what is your definition of success?:
  • What is your goal that you would like to achieve in life?
  • Is it a corporate career or you would feel happier in running your own business with a flexible schedule? Or perhaps a job where you can express your creative side?
  • What about money? How much money would make you feel rich?
  • Would a well paid corporate job make you happy? Would achieving a promotion give you joy?
  • What if you would rather be an have a job where you can work a lot outdoors, or interact with others on a daily basis, or perhaps travel the world?

While all of these things define success in some way, what would TRULY make you feel successful? We must understand our WHY.

If success means having your own business, what does that mean for you? Is is the freedom to make your own schedule? Is it more time with family? Is it providing a service and the act of giving that fills you up? If becoming CEO in a corporation would make you feel rich, is it because it would give you the ability to retire at a younger age? Would it give you the financial freedom to travel, which truly feeds your soul?

Ask yourself what success really means to YOU.

What would YOUR ideal lifestyle look like?

What would make YOU happy?

Dare to go for it, no matter if it fits in society standards or not. You can follow your own definition of success.

How does it feel to be successful?

You feel the passion and drive and thirst for life. You feel grateful to have it all! You feel it is “too good to be true”… Because you are living a life beyond your wildest dreams and you have to pinch yourself to “check” if you are dreaming or it is really happening.

When you look in the mirror you feel proud of the person you see in front of you.

You feel worthy. You feel that you matter. You feel that you are special and important. You feel that your life has a purpose.

You feel that life is beautiful and there are so many good things worth living for!

Success can be a moment (or many moments) or a stage in life when you feel that everything has aligned for you in the right order at that time.

SUCCESS IN LIFE IS BECOMING WHAT YOU WANT TO BE. Success is an achievement of YOUR own desired goals, whatever big or small.



This is great! I’ve been trying to explain to people for MANY years why I don’t necessarily think I’m successful just because I have what some might deem a “good job” because to me, I don’t define success by what I do between 9 and 5. Success to me means a happy family, a happy husband and a thriving community.


I totally agree with you @Elyse ! Each of us has our own “definition” of success and it doesn’t have to be at all what other people think we should have, own or become. It matters what makes us feel successful in life . Thank you for such a beautiful comment on my article. SO glad mu my words inspired you. <3

Kristy Petersen:

Success to me is Happiness, happiness for me and my kids and thats all that matters. I want to be able to say if I die tomorrow I am completely happy with my life ive had.
Kristy x


    Love your definition. I believe we cannot call ourselves successful if we are not happy, as they go along together. Thx for the lovely comment @Kristy

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about the author

Danijela Jokic Vaislay

Danijela Jokic Vaislay is a life coach and motivational speaker from Europe, based in India. Her tips on happiness, success, Law Of Attraction were featured and quotes in many international magazines and personal growth publications, including The Huffington Post, COSMOPOLITAN, and Mike Dooley's blog. Her mission is to help people all over the globe, via her articles, live events, and private 1 on 1 coaching via Skype, to get unstuck in life and manifest their wildest dreams into reality.

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