How to Get Over Being Uncomfortable

I remember it like it was yesterday, it was the first time I worked out with my trainer. We had just started the workout, and I was already feeling light-headed, shaky and nauseated. It was worse than I expected, how did I let myself get this far off track?

I could not get rid of the looming feeling that this whole process was going to take forever if every workout felt like this one.

When I think back to that day I remember leaving the gym, walking down the stairs holding tightly to the cold railing with my clammy hands and saying to myself “well at least that’s over!” Even though I was clearly made aware of just how out of shape I was, I still felt a sense of accomplishment. I was determined to continue and hit my goals and get my bikini body back! Well, that was until I woke up the next day painfully stiff and pretty much immobile. My motivation to change slowly dwindled after a few more painful and what I perceived as very unsuccessful workouts. A couple days went by, and then a couple weeks, I missed sessions with my trainer, and slowly fell back into my unhealthy lifestyle and monotonous old routine.

I started to think, “did I ever expect this to be easy?” I mean, I did have 40+ lbs. to lose. Seriously, what was I expecting? I had been consuming fast food like a college kid, been completely inactive, and drank like a fish several days a week. I surely couldn’t have expected to have gone in there and been a rock star from day 1. I started to think about what made me want to change, what was my WHY?

As soon as I pinpointed my reasoning, my “why”, things started to become clearer.

I wasn’t happy… and I wanted to be. I had put on extra pounds and wasn’t myself anymore, I was more quiet, more shy, less confident and a whole lot less motivated, and it was reflecting and spilling over into every aspect of my life. As a young 20-something-year-old adult – I was sick of all of those negative feelings, and being uncomfortable, I needed this change! Can anyone relate?

As you may guess, since I am writing this blog, I went back. I started over. I dealt with the soreness, shakiness, fear of the gym… and my trainer. It was all irrelevant to me at that point. I was never going to get over being uncomfortable if I wasn’t willing to be uncomfortable. If that makes sense?

I was never going to get over being uncomfortable if I wasn’t willing to be uncomfortable.

Now the gym is my second home, in fact, I probably spend more time there than I do at my condo. I see women come in every day who have the same exact fears as I did, and feel the same exact way as I did at my first workout. Yeah, it sucks! But you have to make your goals and the life you see for yourself such a high priority that the discomfort and the work become irrelevant.

2017 is closing its first quarter and if you haven’t started a fitness routine or created any new healthy habits, IT’S OK! You can start ANY day and that is the best piece of advice I can possibly give you!


There is not going to be a “better time” trust me, you’ll still be waiting for that better time a year from now or five years from now. If you do not know what you’re doing and don’t want to wander around the gym aimlessly hire a trainer (even if it is just for a little while) to get into a solid routine, better acquainted with the equipment, proper form and technique, and to learn what type of program would be best for you.

This is more important than people may think! If you do not know what you’re doing, then don’t do it! If you don’t know how to fix a car, you wouldn’t trust yourself to replace your transmission, would you? Your health and body are so important – leave it to a professional!

If making it to the gym is just out of question for you or you travel a lot, try an online program! I have a very successful online coaching program available to my clients that they can do from home, a hotel room or anywhere for that matter. Starting to feel the excuses going out the window? Good! Find your “WHY”… The reason you want to change, and then hold onto it. Write it down.

It is time to start feeling good again, healthy, fit, confident, sexy, energetic, proud. We deserve all of these things out of life, but it is up to ourselves to create it and make it a priority, you have to just START.


Kristy Petersen:

I just started bootcamp sessions, going 3 mornings a week, after my first session i couldn’t even grab the tin of tomatoes from the cupboard haha.
Im starting to really enjoy it and loving seeing myself complete sessions and feel great still sore but great.
Loved this article perfect timing for me.
Kristy xx

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about the author

Lindsey Cusey

Lindsey Cusey is a Certified Fitness Professional, healthy lifestyle coach and self-development junkie. She works with women specifically to help them lose weight, get fit, regain their confidence, and incorporate long-lasting healthy habits.

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