Is Overthinking Killing Your Business MOJO?

Nothing can kill your business mojo faster than getting stuck in that analysis paralysis. Overthinking  can only lead you to one place, doing nothing because you are too afraid to make a movement.

The simple act of posting to social media can quickly become too much with all the ‘what ifs’ that race through your mind.

“What will people think if I post this?”

“Does it even make sense?”

“Is this the right picture?”

Finally you are left feeling dejected, overwhelmed and like you should not bother posting today. You and I both know that does not serve you, the people you are trying to help, or your business.

This overthinking is seriously killing your business mojo.

Trust me I see it in so many of my clients. Firstly know that your overactive mind is totally normal, but it doesn’t mean you have to get stuck living a life from your head.

So how can you combat this overthinking?

Today I am sharing with you three of my favorite tips to help you combat this overthinking, because spending too much time thinking opposed to taking action and living your life is holding you back.

1. Focus

When you are stuck living a life from your head you are focusing too much on you. That ego is making you believe that everyone in life is talking about you and thinking about what you are doing.

Truth be told, they do not have time to worry about you, because they are focusing and worried about what they think other people are saying about them.

All of this focus on yourself is stopping you from thinking about the people that you are serving and wanting to help.

So the first step is focusing in on who you are helping and why.

This doesn’t have to be perfect. Get out there and speak to real people you are wanting to impact, help and work with.

Because guess what, your client, needs you, and you can help them. So stop staring in the mirror focusing on yourself and look out to the people, the real people that you want to and know you can help.

2. Quiet Your Mind

We live in a hyper connected world, where someone, somewhere is always on, making you feel like you should also always be on too.

But taking care of yourself is paramount to your own fulfilled life, success and your businesses. You need time away, you need to quieten your mind and find space to simply be.

Meditation has been the most incredible tool I have brought into my own life to help me quieten my mind. Guess what, thoughts are a part of the process, so don’t be worried about them. Embrace them, then return to the present moment.

Still not a fan, go for a walk, cook food, color in. Be mindful in your own way.

This process helps you practice not being attached to your thoughts.

So you become better at not following that monkey chatter within your own mind.

Then when you have a thought that you need to change your entire business because it doesn’t feel right anymore, you can remain calm. Seeing it for the fleeting thought that it is, because maybe what it’s really about is you don’t want to send that email to a client or supplier that you know you have to.

3. Fail Fast

Lastly, I see so many women wanting to perfect life all too fast. What’s wrong with getting something a little bit wrong? It’s not good or bad, it simply is. It’s funny how we glorify failure in famous entrepreneurs or others, but we are scared of it in our own lives.

Start to think of everything in your business as simply feedback. The sooner you can figure out ‘hey, is this going to work?’ The faster you can move on.

This is where that meditation practice and developing distance from your thoughts come in handy. Just because you launched something last year and it doesn’t work does not mean that it will when you try to again this year. You have changed, your business has changed, your readers have grown and evolved.

Let the feedback stand alone. And not be attached to a whole story about you being a failure and how you’ll never “make it”.

There you go my 3 tips to help you stop overthinking within your own business to truly help you to continue moving forward and taking the consistent action that you need. Because as you know beautiful the world needs to hear your message.


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about the author

Maddison Vernon

Maddison is a trained life coach, writer and speaker for the new wave of female change makers ready to manifest their desires, get out of their head and connect to their inner truth. She lovingly guides women to get out of their own way and chose love every step of the way. When she isn’t working on her laptop you can find her at a yoga class, writing in her journal or heading out of town on an adventure filled with laughter and good tunes – the trashy pop kind!

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