Relationships & Dating

10 Signs You’re in An Unhealthy Relationship

Are you in a relationship and wondering whether you are just going through a rough patch or in fact, in an unhealthy relationship? Whether it’s your friend, coworker, spouse or ex—see if you can spot these 10 relationship red flags, that may be a sign you are in an unhealthy relationship. It’s true—relationships take hard […]

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Forgive Them for Not Knowing How to Love You

Moving on always begins with learning how to forgive. It might have come in a moment, or perhaps it was years in the making, but broken hearts happen whether we anticipate it or not. They come when we least expect it, and they arrive even when we ignore all of the writing on the wall. […]

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Balancing Intimacy and Working Together as a Couple

Truth be told, I wasn’t sure my relationship was going to make it last year. I was looking at this man that I was head over heels in love with and yet I was ready to scream his head off every moment. We were walking on eggshells and it wasn’t the love story I signed […]

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What Men Complain About Most in Women and Why

Men and women love to complain about each other (in case you haven’t noticed). I work with a lot of men, and on the surface, their relationship issues seem to be an endless list of gripes and complaints about their women. She’s always complaining, criticizing or nagging She demands too much from me She’s too emotional […]

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Communicate or Masturbate

Firstly, I’m no relationship expert, not even close. I’m just a writer, and one of fiction at that: I see, I feel, I think, and I write. So, to be clear, this is perspective, not prescriptive. I’m a man in a long-term relationship. I’ve so far navigated five years of building a life with my […]

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I Was a Hot Mess in Love and Not in a Cute Way

Not that long ago I was a complete hot mess in love. I also attracted hot messes of men. My relationships were the perfect storm of drama and co-dependence. I was full of a toxic blend of anxiety and perfectionism. I was inauthentic and afraid of my own truth. I pretended a lot. I did […]

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