Relationships & Dating

Why You Should Make the First Move

You really like him and you are secretly hoping and wishing that he will tell you that he feels the same way, but it has been a while and he is not making the move. Should you wait until he comes forward or should you make the first move yourself? Here are five reasons why you […]

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How to Feel Worthy of Love and a Romantic Relationship

I used to believe that I would never feel worthy of love and a romantic relationship. My career was poppin’ off, but my dating life was a hot mess. I thought that love was only for “lucky” people and that I wasn’t one of them. I had a pattern of dating men who were wrong […]

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5 Ways to Exude More Confidence on a First Date

First dates are pretty much inevitable if you are out there trying to meet someone. It has to start somewhere, right? Dating can be downright nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be. There are a few simple ways you can be more confident while you date and are trying to put your best self forward […]

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Why Good Relationships Fall Apart

Believe it or not, good relationships fall apart all the time. After coaching in the dating industry for over a decade, I’ve seen it happen over and over again. A relationship with two people who are deeply in love and wholly committed to each other, suddenly run into major problems and the relationship destroys itself […]

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7 Ways Social Media is Ruining Relationships

Social media; Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (and all the rest) are fast becoming the center of our lives daily. Whilst there are many positive outcomes of this technological invention, there are also some serious side effects that not only impact your self- esteem or career, but also your relationships. Is social media ruining relationships, and you’re […]

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How Do I Know If He’s the Right Guy for Me?

We all want to find love but sometimes we get lost. We find ourselves in relationships that are a wrong fit. We label it as ‘complicated’ or we find ourselves dating the same type of men who are not good for us instead of admitting that it’s just not working. After repeating our patterns we […]

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How to Increase Your Chances of Meeting the Right Guy

If you ask most single women why they aren’t in a relationship they’ll likely say, it’s because they have a hard time meeting the right guy. Nothing is more frustrating in dating than being ready for a relationship, but having no clue where to meet the right person. I believe that we are constantly crossing […]

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11 Keys to Inspiring Not Neutering Your Man

I appreciate women. I really do. I’m both intoxicated and maddened by their whimsical behavior and waves of emotion. I’m inspired by their courage and vulnerability. I love the beauty they bring into the world with their spirits. I love how a woman in her feminine essence, whether my adorable two-year-old niece or a woman […]

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