5 Limitations Affecting Your Personal Growth

We are all on journeys of personal growth.

Every second of every day we are part of this journey and all our experiences come together to create one wonderfully beautiful picture that we call ‘our life’. The older we get the more connected to our self we feel and the more self-assured we become, purely because this growth allows for that.

Every moment in life is another moment that adds to our wisdom. We not only become wiser in our emotional intelligence but wiser in what drives us, gives us meaning and discovering our own personal purpose in life as well. It’s time we all embrace our journey of personal growth so that we can fully be open to true fulfillment in life and create those epic lives we dream of.

We are forever changing and we will never be the exact same version of ourselves at any given moment in our lives. It’s a constant journey and that means our lives adapt around us.

What drives us one day may not the next and that’s what makes life so exciting!

It’s all bio-individual. As it’s bio-individual, it’s time to get clear on what personal growth means to you and where your blockages are. Be open on your journey and increase your awareness so that you can honestly and authentically explore who you are. It’s your story to own! So, own it! Embrace it so that you can show up for yourself every day as the best, healthiest and most epic version of you!

Working on yourself and being on a journey of personal growth doesn’t always mean sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns. Sometimes, it can be quite a challenging process and even difficult at times. There might be times you come across limitations that hold you back in life – the important thing is to work through those limitations so that you can come out the other side stronger and wiser!

Here are 5 of the most common limitations that might be affecting your personal growth:


One of my favorite sayings is “doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” A lack of self-belief will always hold you back – that harsh inner critic will show itself and stop you from stepping outside of your comfort zone. But, it’s stepping outside of that comfort zone where the magic happens!

That’s when personal growth occurs – whether the experience is good or bad it doesn’t matter – it all adds to that wonderful journey of yours. Freeing yourself of that self-doubt and increasing your self-belief will help you create the life you dream of. Start believing in the awesome human you are and listen to your inner wisdom over your inner critic.


Delaying is another word for procrastination and it’s this ‘delaying’ that will hold you back from accomplishing your true dreams and desires. Procrastination delays you from achieving your true potential and it stops you from being open. Open every cell in your body so that you can grow in every beautiful way possible.

Let go of that procrastination that creeps up on you and change the language you use within yourself. Change the words ‘I wish’ and turn them into ‘I will’. Forget saying ‘one day’ and start saying ‘day one’. Stop procrastinating and just go make your life happen for you.

Holding on to the past

The past is exactly that – it’s in the past. There is nothing that can be done to change it no matter our regrets or disappointments. Personal growth is about being present in the here and now and there is absolutely no space for the past. It’s time to let go of holding onto the past and start taking inspired action to create the future you dream of.


Excuses are abundant – there are no shortages of excuses on this planet and we are amazing creators of them. They are, however inhibitors for personal growth – they stop you from experiencing life with true authenticity. It’s ok to not be ok all of the time. It’s ok to fall short once in a while.

Don’t let ‘down’ days be your excuses to stop yourself from pursuing what feels right for you. Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back. If you want to do something badly enough then there should never be any excuse strong enough to hold you back. Ditch the excuses and put them in the bin where they belong.

Environment & Relationships

Everything around you affects you – it all has the power to lift you up or bring you down. In short, what’s in your life will either enhance your journey of personal growth or limit it. It’s time to get real – be honest. What’s working for you and what isn’t?

Are there blockages in your life that prevent you from moving onwards and upwards? Are there elements of your life that could do with some TLC and fine-tuning?

Personal growth is about acknowledging what you need and then taking steps to make it happen for you. Be honest with yourself and let go of the limitations that are holding you back from exploring the deepest parts of yourself. Ask yourself: ‘What’s holding me back right now?’

Then go take inspired action and go take on the world!


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about the author

Zenny Middleton

Zenny is a nutritionist & health coach dedicated to empowering women to be the best and healthiest versions of themselves possible. Her Unique Glow is a platform created by Zenny, to inspire women to heal both the relationship they have with themselves and the relationship they have with food so that they can live the fulfilled and nourished lives they dream of.

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