How Ditching Diets Can Lead to Empowerment

The power of inspiration and empowerment. A game-changer for women who are looking to create a true healthy lifestyle versus restriction and dieting. You see, motivation wears off. Inspiration and empowerment are much more powerful for making your healthy habits stick.

I don’t believe in diets. I don’t believe in them being successful. I don’t believe restriction and deprivation are the answer. Results can be achieved in other ways. I bet you a million dollars that you’ll end up actually feeling happy, fulfilled, inspired and empowered versus depleted, emotionally & physically hungry, and lost.

It’s been proven in multiple studies that diets backfire- because not only do 95% of all diets fail, but 30-60% of people end up regaining any weight they lost plus MORE.

What’s really needed is the perfect combination of body empowerment, learning how to heal your complicated relationship with food (any woman who’s ever been on a diet will need to do this) and learning how to achieve your results in an actual balanced, intuitive and nutritiously sound way.

Cutting out major food groups, diet shakes, diet pills, meal skipping, body shaming, cheat meals, the concept of eating healthy for a certain amount of days per week…all need to go. For good. We deserve so much better!

Many women blame themselves or their “willpower” when it comes to “failing” at their diet. But the truth is that failure is built right into the diet. Your willpower has absolutely nothing to do with it. In fact, I’m pretty sure someone made that entire concept up to make us feel like something is wrong with us if we can’t avoid carbs (a key food group needed for energy, balanced hormones and brainpower) for the rest of our lives, for example.

Unfortunately there is a premise within our society that tells females that our bodies are “wrong” from day one. We’re either too thin, too curvy, not curvy enough in the right places, and the list goes on and on and on.

Furthermore, as young women in westernized societies we’re taught to believe, “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” It’s pressed into our brains that diet pills, fad or crash diets, skipping meals, choosing to eat in a way that leaves us hungry and completely dissatisfied and losing weight for one specific season or party is completely and totally normal. Not only that, that it works and that it will actually bring us worthiness, acceptance, self-respect, love, confidence and a sincerely happy life. News flash- if you haven’t yet experienced it or guessed it for yourself, it doesn’t. Not even close. If you try to beat yourself up into changing you’ll only find yourself feeling exactly that way once you reach the end of your journey- beat up and battered.

It breaks my heart that so many women just don’t know anything else or any other way to live and I used to be one of them. I remember a friend asking me, “Are you on a diet?” My response? “Always!” I was a chronic fad dieter because no one had ever taught me how to maintain a balanced weight or achieve weight loss any other way.

Emotional eating and the vicious cycle of deprivation, bingeing and self-loathing were normal for me. The idea that a balanced, whole foods diet when consumed properly could free me of my struggles wasn’t even on my radar.

I once read a quote that read something along the lines of…What if you wake up and you’re 75 years old and you never did all of the things you wanted to do. You never swam in the French Riviera because you were embarrassed of your thighs, never pursued your dreams in business because you never felt worthy, spent so many minutes of your life trying not to give in to that slice of pizza or bowl of ice cream? You’ll regret it, you’ll be kicking yourself that dieting and losing weight became your life’s work.

My mission is to show women, like you, that they can claim their freedom back and live a confident, empowered life full of vitality and never have to worry about a yo yo-ing weight problem again. You see, each one of us is different. No one diet works for everyone and the concept that it does is ridiculous.

You have to learn how to develop a healthy lifestyle that empowers and inspires YOU specifically on a daily basis.

When you switch from “I have to” or “I should” to “I want to” or “I could” everything changes. You’re creating an intense, powerful form of self-respect and the more self-respect you have the easier your healthy choices will feel and be to maintain for life.

Picture this: you’ve changed your mindset about food and your body. Each day, you wake up excited to get dressed and feel confident in your skin. You love having your warm cup of lemon water first thing because you know how good it is for you and you crave the way it makes you feel balanced. You greatly look forward to having a delicious, filling and energizing breakfast made up of natural, real food that creates beauty from the inside out.

You are no longer using exercise as punishment for everything your body isn’t, and instead you are moving your body from a place of love to support it for everything that it does to keep you alive and well. When you go out to eat, you no longer feel panic or anxiety about what to order and know that if you do choose to indulge you’ll be able to savor and enjoy every bite without thinking about how many calories it is or how long you’ll have to be on the treadmill the next day to work it off. Labeling foods as “good” and “bad”, creating the idea in your mind that indulgences are “cheating” are long gone. You enjoy your favorite dark chocolate with peppermint tea in the evenings because you know allowing this indulgence into your routine is necessary for you mentally and you’re more than confident in this choice. However, you can happily eat 1-2 pieces and feel totally fulfilled without needing to gorge on the whole bar. And of course, you eat healthy foods with joy and ease, you maintain your now ideal weight without difficulty and practice acts of self-love willingly and with delight.

Making these changes are where the big results happen. This is where you finally rid yourself of the guilt, shame and anxiety around food. This is where you lose weight for good and can finally feel and become the best version of yourself. You can do this.



Love it!!! ????


    Thank you Chelsea! Happy to hear it. xx, Danielle

Kristy Petersen:

This was fantastic and seeing the imagine waking up in 75 years and not doing something because you hated your thighs.. that’s so me and. Fear I have. Trying to change my mindset.


    Hi Kristy- changing your mindset is a process but will change everything for you! Good luck and Im here if you need me! xx, Danielle

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about the author

Danielle Eva Pewhairangi

Danielle is a certified nutritional lifestyle coach for female entrepreneuers who are ready to escape the vicious diet cycle, end emotional eating, heal their relationship with food and create results that last.

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