3 Ways to Feel More Beautiful in Your Own Skin

When we feel beautiful, we accomplish more. Have you ever wondered just how much energy we lose when we criticize our bodies? That’s valuable energy that we could be using to create, to enjoy and to be living our dreams!

Here are 3 ways to feel more beautiful in your own skin. If done with intention and commitment, they can be life changing!

1. The Mirror Exercise

This is a very simple yet powerful technique that, if done with the right purpose, can transform the soul. Take (5) minutes out of your day, stand in front of the mirror, say your name, look at yourself in the eye, and start saying things that you love about yourself. Begin with things that you are aware that you like and enjoy about your body, the things you feel the most confident about. Right after, continue with things that you are not crazy about and finish with things that you love about yourself. It is perfectly okay to repeat certain parts.

A big part of this exercise is saying things even if you do not totally feel that way just yet. Our brain is used to paying attention to what we hear most of the time, and that is society telling us what we need to fix. How often do we actually listen to ourselves speak? In the beginning, this exercise can feel awkward, but as we rewire the brain by speaking to ourselves with love and recognizing the beauty of our features, results will follow.

2. Revamp your wardrobe

Clothes are like the makeup of the body. You do not just wear make up for the sake of wearing it, right? Hopefully, you do it to enhance and amplify your favorite features about yourself. Sometimes we wear specific pieces of clothing just by default, not realizing that this actually can affect the way we look at ourselves. It is so important to wear garments that bring out the best in us, that light us up and make us feel comfy, yummy and beautiful in our body!

Many times we find ourselves wearing dresses that don’t suit our figure and can actually bring us down because they do not accentuate our beauty, rather make them invisible. You do not need to go out shopping for new clothes right away, you only need to stop wearing what no longer serves you! How do you know if it serves you or not? Well, you put it on and look at yourself in the mirror, if you feel beautiful in it, it stays; if you do not, it leaves.

3. Body gratitude

At the end of the day when there’s no mirror in front of you and you are wearing nothing but your old comfy PJs, it is when the rubber meets the road. Of course, there will always be stuff about ourselves that we would not list as our #1 favorite, but how do you feel as a whole? What about the stuff you cannot stop thinking about? Like your cellulite or your small breasts or those stretch marks? How to make peace with them?

One of the most fundamental, if not the top one, keys to feeling more beautiful in our own skin is being grateful. Make a list of all those things you’re uncomfortable about your body and next to it write what having that specific part has allowed you to do. For example, “My fat arms: They have allowed me to hug the love of my life, hold my baby, celebrate and dance with all the strength of my soul! My stretch marks: Have allowed me to grow and enjoy the body I have now, to see that I am a real woman, to embody my imperfections and enjoy them!”

If you commit to taking 10 minutes of your day to practice these exercises I can assure you’ll start feeling more beautiful in your own skin. Give yourself the chance of truly admiring, appreciating and acknowledging your beauty.

Let your eyes find the beauty in everything they see, especially in YOU!


Kristy Petersen:

I am totalling doing all 3 of these steps! Love this post.

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about the author

Maky Arias

Maky Arias is a Self-Love coach for women. She holds the space for them to fall in love with themselves, own their beauty and start look at themselves and their world with different eyes, those of worth and unconditional self-love. Through this, they can feel like goddesses, have better relationships and fully be at peace with themselves.

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