Five Ways to Become a More Sensual, Seductive and Confident Woman

No matter how many diets or exercise routines you may try to look and feel more seductive, sensual, sexy and confident in your body, they won’t matter if you are ignoring the most important key.

Self-love. Adoration. Appreciation. Self-worth.

Where does confidence come from though and how can we feel confident without relying on external factors?

These five tips can help you feel confident in your body so you can be your sensual, seductive, and sexy self:

1. Walk with confidence

The way you walk can tell a lot about the level of your self-esteem and confidence. If you walk with your shoulders and head down and back rounded, no matter how much you try to look and talk confidently, your body language will give you away. The verbal message we convey has only 7% effect on the people we communicate with. Try to look at yourself in the mirror or look at photos of yourself and observe the way you walk and sit. Is your back straight and head up? If you notice that your body posture is poor, you can improve it with practice.

Walking in high heels, at least for the occasion when you feel like you need some extra self-esteem, can help you to have a better posture, walk more confidently and feel more seductive. If you do not feel confident walking in high heels, you can practice it (seriously!). Imagine you are a model and start walking in your stilettos in your living room, in the garden, or up and down your street. Keep on practicing until you really start feeling like a super-model!

To improve your body posture physically (not to mention side benefits for your overall health and good looks) start taking yoga or Pilates classes. It will help you improve your posture, relieve the pain in your neck and shoulders, make your body more flexible and help you feel confident in your body!

2. Practice some feminine or seductive dance

In order to truly embody and embrace your sensuality, seductiveness, sexual self-esteem, overcome shyness and body shame, start practicing a feminine, seductive dance, like belly dancing. Or you can try any dance which requires movement of the hips (like hip-hop or salsa). Moving seductively can greatly increase our confident, feminine energy!

3. Love your body

Loving your body and feeling good in your skin will give you the confidence, power, and courage to step out of your comfort zone, speak and shine your authentic personality, enjoy your life more and become the best version of yourself! I just want to remind you that there are so many reasons to love and celebrate your amazing body.

Imagine all you can do with your body: go for long walks, swim, run, dance, see, smell, touch, taste and hear, be intimate with your partner, give birth to a baby.

Your body is your home for this lifetime! Love it, care for it, nourish it with nutritious meals and good quality cosmetic products, treat it with respect and honor being a woman (after all, you have the gift of creating a new life).

4. Practice self-care rituals

Self-care is the first and the most important expression of loving your body. Just imagine, if your partner would tell you very often that he loves you, but he wouldn’t touch you at all, would you believe him? Same goes for self-care. If you say or think that you love your body but you do not express that by nourishing your skin, hair, feet and pampering it with massage, good quality cosmetic products, would your body believe you?

5. Sleep nude

If there is one thing that will skyrocket your feminine confidence in a big way in a very short time it would be this one. Yeah, get nude more often, my dear! Women are flooded with the “perfect body image” in the mainstream media, that many do not feel beautiful or attractive enough in their body. They often dress and undress very fast, avoid looking at themselves naked in the mirror, and feel very shy while removing clothes in front of their partner or in front of eyes of the other people while wearing a bikini on the beach.

Instead of embracing our bodies as a feminine temple and precious vehicle which is carrying us through our lifetime, a birthplace of a creation and a new life, embodiment of intuition, sensuality, feminine wisdom, softness, gentle Jin energy, an instrument for giving and receiving love, we started treating and looking at it as a “figure”, even though it is much more sacred than that.

Sleeping nude more often will help you immensely to help you feel more confident in your body. It might seem awkward or scary in the beginning, but start by taking small steps (like sleeping only in underwear) and you will discover the sensual and confident Goddess within you very soon.

FAQ: Boosting Confidence and Sensuality

Q: How can I project confidence even when I don’t feel it?

Your body language speaks volumes about your confidence level. Stand tall with your shoulders back, head held high, and maintain eye contact. Practice walking with purpose and grace, even imagining yourself as a model strutting down a runway. This outward display of confidence can actually help you feel more self-assured on the inside.

Q: What types of activities can help me embrace my sensuality?

Engaging in activities that celebrate your femininity and encourage graceful movement can unlock your sensual side. Try feminine dance styles like belly dancing or salsa, which emphasize hip movement and fluid body expression. These dances can help you connect with your body and feel more confident in your own skin.

Q: How do I begin to love my body when I have so many insecurities?

Shift your focus from perceived flaws to appreciation for all that your body does for you. Reflect on its ability to walk, dance, experience touch, and even create life. Treat your body with respect through nourishing meals, gentle movement, and pampering self-care rituals. Remember, your body is your home for life – cherish it!

Q: What are some self-care rituals that can improve my body image?

Self-care is a powerful expression of self-love. Pamper yourself with luxurious baths, nourishing skin care routines, and regular massages. Indulge in activities that make you feel good, whether it’s getting a manicure, trying a new hairstyle, or simply taking time to relax and unwind.

Q: Why is sleeping nude recommended for boosting confidence?

Sleeping nude can be incredibly liberating and help you become more comfortable with your body. It allows you to appreciate your natural form without the constraints of clothing. While it might feel awkward at first, gradually incorporating more nudity into your routine can help you embrace and celebrate your body.

Q: Can engaging in hobbies help me feel more confident and attractive?

Absolutely! Pursuing hobbies you’re passionate about can build confidence and make you feel more fulfilled. Whether it’s pole dancing, painting, or joining a hiking group, engaging in activities that bring you joy can boost your self-esteem and make you feel more attractive from the inside out.

Q: Is it normal to feel self-conscious after significant life changes, like childbirth?

It’s completely normal to experience shifts in body image and confidence after major life events like pregnancy. Your body goes through incredible transformations, and it takes time to adjust both physically and emotionally. Be patient with yourself and focus on self-care and acceptance.

Q: How can I regain confidence after experiencing infidelity in my relationship?

Infidelity can be a deeply painful experience that can shatter confidence and trust. It’s important to prioritize your own healing and seek support from trusted friends, family, or a therapist. Focus on rebuilding your self-esteem and rediscovering your worth. Remember that you are worthy of love and respect.


Kristy Petersen:

I seriously want to print this article and keep it in a folder next to my bed or desk!
I am really going to follow these steps as my confidence has taken a beating this year and I need and want me back!
For number 2 I’ve been wanting to join the local enpointe pole dancing studio beginner classes but don’t feel I have the confidence… I think it’s time to bite the bullet and join not only will it be amazing exercise it will also make me feel more seductive.
Thanks for another great article ?
Kristy xx


    Dear Kristy, I’m so touched by your lovely comment and that my article inspired you to work on your confidence! Deciding to step out of our comfort zone and actually do something in order to change, grow and evolve is the first step and the most important one. I would like to hear form you, let me know how these tips worked for you. With love, Danijela


Danijela, Thank you!
This article touched a part, deep inside my soul. After giving birth to my two beautiful angels, I have been feeling horribly about my body’s new shape and all the stretch marks and mummy tummy that pregnancy bestowed upon me. I stopped caring for myself and my husband; and entirely focused all my attention and caring to nourish my children, to the point I wasn’t being intimate with my husband at all. I was using the medical problems my last pregnancy recked in my body, as an excuse for not having sex with him, but I just didn’t feel attractive enough to remove my clothes in front of my husband … sadly, my actitude has hurt my feelings and relationship with him. He went and slept with a very beautiful lady of the night (prostitute); and came home feeling guilty and told me. Asking for forgiveness.
I asked about her, and he showed me a photo he found on the scorts’ Website through which he hired her sexual favor. I told him that I would never undressed myself in front of him and that he would never touch me again…
Things got really bad for a while, but we have two small children.
Now I am trying to rebuild our marriage; and my self esteem and self image. Thank you for this wonderful words, they have made me feel very appreciative of my ability of birthing new life.


    Dear R. , I’m very touched by your comment, thank you. Since you’ve read the article, and you are searching for guidance and answers, that says you are willing and ready to take the responsibility back for your life and make positive changes. Relationships are made out of two people, and we all are dancing together. The first step in improving the relationship with our significant other is improving the one we have with ourselves and taking our own share of responsibility. I would suggest you warmheartedly to read Christal’s book How To Be H.O.T. I believe it will help you A LOT in this moment, and to read one of my previous articles as well . And you should always know and remember that you have the POWER to empower yourself and your relationship! With love, Danijela!

Marilyn Johnson:

I have only come across you this morning & am in need of guidence to chance my attitude toward men. I am 70 yrs & am seeking a new relationship, I do all the things you have suggested in this article, the heels, salsa dancing, pilates & beautiful underwear, I feel sexy but my bubbly personality is too much, I need to slow my speech & my impatience in conversation, learning to relax would I imagine make me far more appealing to men. How do I train myself to do that?

Isabel Matuz:

Hello , I’m very greatful that I find this beautiful message note is amazing how I neglected my self with reason or not . I lost a daughter and I lost my self I have been thru so much . Lost my sister thru cancer , my Dad and mother and I have find out that husband has cheated and officially has a formal relationship with another women. But I now understand how much I let my self down . I was born to serve and now I decide it to serve me. No more excuses I don’t have money but I can take me and love me . Before I love someone else. Thank you for the inspiration. Thank you for waking me up to a new begging.

Terri-Lee Taljaard:

i am busy going through a break up an thanks this post is just what i needed to get me back, and not feel bad on how i look but how to get my confidence back as well as my sexy, i am most certainly going to follow your advise

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about the author

Danijela Jokic Vaislay

Danijela Jokic Vaislay is a life coach and motivational speaker from Europe, based in India. Her tips on happiness, success, Law Of Attraction were featured and quotes in many international magazines and personal growth publications, including The Huffington Post, COSMOPOLITAN, and Mike Dooley's blog. Her mission is to help people all over the globe, via her articles, live events, and private 1 on 1 coaching via Skype, to get unstuck in life and manifest their wildest dreams into reality.

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