Are You Investing in Your Happiness?

Many people say that the most important thing in life is their happiness yet they are doing a job that keeps them stressed and unhappy, they are in a toxic relationship or with a person they do not love, they are more willing to spend money on a vacation or new pair of shoes than on hiring a coach that can help them build a happier and more fulfilling life.

Same goes with time as there is never enough time to read that personal development book, time to sign up for that online course you’ve wanted to take, time to work with a coach, to work on the projects and goals that are important to us.

It is not a coincidence that many people today complain about living unhappy and unfulfilled lives and ending up not achieving their goals and dreams because they have their priorities totally mixed up, they do not live their truth and they end up putting their happiness last day after day, year after year…

We usually have no problem hiring advisors for various areas in our life, for example; a lawyer to help with our legal issues, a real estate agent or a financial advisor to secure our investments.
However, many people find it expensive or not needed to hire an advisor, such as a coach, to get help with their life or relationships!

When it comes to investing money on a home decorator, hell yes! Same goes with legal advisor, financial advisor, real estate agent… But, when it comes to hiring a coach to get the life advice (let me say it again: LIFE), or relationship advice… well, that kind of seems like the last priority to invest on!

Let me ask you this: Would you take selfies at your wedding or would you hire a professional photographer? You could do it on your own, right?

I bet you wouldn’t settle for selfies taken from your cellphone!

Just like you can figure out what is it that you want to do in life and how you can achieve that? Or same that you can figure out how to build meaningful relationships? You don’t need any help for that, right?

When it comes to external validation, there we are ready to invest a lot of money: buying a car, decorating our home, professional training to get us promotion, a luxury vacation… all the things which we can showcase on our social media profiles and resume and give the boost to our ego.

Now, these things CAN bring joy, yes, and they may be worthy of investing in if they are meaningful to you, but what is the point of having a big expensive car if you are going to drive around the whole day frustrated and angry or feeling depressed?

What is the point of having a big home, but feeling empty in your spirit, spending days in it feeling alone or bearing the pain of a toxic relationship? What is the point of getting a promotion if you hate your job?

Do you REALLY want to be happy? Check with yourself and admit how much of your time and money you are investing on the people and tools that could help you feel happier, and have a better life.

Just like we invest in our education or material goods, we need to start investing in our happiness as well in order to create a happier and more fulfilled life!


Kristy Petersen:

Yes I love this! I am so invested in my happiness, I want to read every self help book, and take coaching sessions, this year is about me!
Kristy x

    Danijela Jokic Vaislay:

    That’s great, just keep on going, girl! The level of our happiness is in direct proportion of how much we invest in it! I’m so glad you got inspired by my article. Danijela x

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about the author

Danijela Jokic Vaislay

Danijela Jokic Vaislay is a life coach and motivational speaker from Europe, based in India. Her tips on happiness, success, Law Of Attraction were featured and quotes in many international magazines and personal growth publications, including The Huffington Post, COSMOPOLITAN, and Mike Dooley's blog. Her mission is to help people all over the globe, via her articles, live events, and private 1 on 1 coaching via Skype, to get unstuck in life and manifest their wildest dreams into reality.

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