New Year, New… Wait… STOP RIGHT THERE!

You think you know what I’m going to say but you’ll be mistaken little jolly readers. What I was really going to say was “New Year, New Blearrrrghhhhhahhh “*vomiting emoji face*.

Lovely saying. Super cute. I’m going to hashtag the shit out of this one. NO. Here’s why…

You CANNOT have a new me. No greater power is going to come up to you, pat you on your weary head and say “look my slightly overweight, unhealthy, unhappy, stressed little friend, you really have been through too much already. Here’s a brand spanking new YOU. Have fun!!!” Because that wouldn’t be life, would it?

As I heard from Christal Fuentes, and she from another great speaker,

we NEED problems in our life.

*Please read the next few paragraphs in the sassiest, most inspiring way possible*

Therefore, you don’t want a new you. Even though you may be frowning at your screen right now thinking “bitch… I really do, what do you know“. I am here to encourage you that the current you is quite fine. Yes, she may need work, a workout maybe… or just a tiny bit more love, but she’s still you.

So, take the current you and build on her. If your foundations, be it body or mind, are weak or fragile, we can always fix them. There is no reason to completely break these down and start again with a “new me”. Our bodies and minds ALL feel weak sometimes. Whether it’s that we cannot handle the emotional pressure of relationships, or that work is draining us, or our lives just feel tense constantly, there is always a way improve.

Build on your foundations, build on your weaknesses and your insecurities. Take this imperfect version of yourself and grow. What I think is important is that you remember why the current you is useful and that you don’t need a new you. Current you has got a lot going for herself. She’s got bad habits to learn from; mistakes that she can remember; and cuts and bruises in all the right places.

These shitty things in our lives enable us to look back at ourselves and say “Yeah, you were dick then, you need to be kinder” or ” You got hurt there, you need to be stronger” or “You gave in too easily, you need to try harder.” The most important word here being YOU. You have been the only one who has experienced it your way, and you need to be the one to go and fix your foundations so that you can build continuously.

MORAL of the very stretched out story, is that you don’t need a “New Year for a New Me”. You need old you for a better you. Do not rely on life to grant you this mystical new personality, body, friends, job or whatever it may be. Rely on you, to better yourself and surround yourself with positive like-minded people who will help build you brick by brick until you are the very best version of yourself.

 Binky xx


Karen lynch:

Well done!!! What a very inspirational piece of writing!!! Maybe if more people looked to them selves to change their life instead of always looking for someone else to do it for them the world would be a very different place indeed!!!

Sarah Brown:

Love this! More please! However, there is nothing ‘average’ about your little head-it’s wonderful x


Love this! Well done binks! We need more more more! Keep it going

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about the author

Bianca de Gouveia

Hello, hola, bonjour my friends. My name is Bianca de Gouveia ( I prefer Binky ) and I'm obsessed with feeling good. It's what we all want AND need. Therefore, the reason for my blogging is to do my very best to help you find what makes YOU feel good, and help you share it! I’m 22, blonde, blue-eyed, short-legged, big-bootied and very flat chested. That’s just my fantastic exterior. What I'd like to share with you is what's going on in this average little head of mine. So, if you're in the mood for some "basic bitch" humour with a slice of motivational speaker/ wannabe yoga guru, please keep reading.

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