Want to Make Your World a Happier Place? 4 Ways to Empower Yourself Now!

‘I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only understand from their filters.’

The world is meaningless until YOU give it a meaning! The truth is, no two people look at the world the same, this means that YOU interpret every experience you have the way you choose to. Therefore no one is ever right or wrong, we all just look at things differently. You will never, ever, see me get into an argument to prove that I am right because my way is NOT the only way!

Here are four tips that you can use to start empowering YOUR life now:

1. Notice Your Behavior

If you notice yourself getting frustrated at others because in your mind they are doing something wrong, take a deep breath and remember that your way is not the only way. You could even learn something from them.

As we grow up, we create our own beliefs, values, opinions, and stories that set us up for the way in which we interpret the world. These are what I call Filters. We use these filters to give meaning to our world. You may have heard the saying ‘when you change your perspective you will change your life.’ When your limited ego is strong you may see the negative in every situation, you look in the mirror and hate what you see, you create drama in your relationships, you feel anxious, and you start to see what’s not working in your life.

Without changing anything externally, when we look at our world through our healthy ego, we will start to see the beauty and positivity in every situation. When we look in the mirror, we will feel grateful for our bodies, and we will feel calm. We can start to appreciate our relationships and be thankful for everything that we have.

2. Practice Gratitude

Having a simple gratitude practice where you say or write down at least one thing you’re grateful for in your life each day can shift your perspective on any situation and lift your mood. There is so much in the world to be thankful for if we choose to look for it!

Find a friend for accountability and every morning message each other what you’re thankful for.

A quote that I live by is:

“Don’t take things personally or assume anything until you get the facts!”

We live in a world where there are too many miss-communications and unnecessary worry in our lives, so being able to eliminate some of this stress can help you create a happier life for yourself and those around you.

3. Communicate Effectively

Learning how to communicate effectively by repeating back to the person what you heard and vice versa can clear up any miss interpretation, and you can both be fully heard and understood.

Instead of always trying to change what’s going on around you, begin to focus on what’s going on within because that is where the power is.

The common denominator in your life and all of your relationships is you, so if you want anything to change you first must go within and make a shift.

4. Take Full Responsibility For Your Life

You can change ANY situation by merely changing the way you look at it. When you stop blaming everyone else and take full responsibility for your life, you have ultimate power for how you feel, the experiences you have and how you show up in the world.

Remember no one can ever make you feel anything because your feelings are yours! So next time you get triggered by someone or angry at the other person, look into your own eyes, process your own stuff, change the meaning you’re giving the situation and then respond with LOVE.

It’s never about them darling, it’s ALWAYS about YOU (and this is the most powerful tool you can have!)

‘When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change.’


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about the author

Millie Aldridge

Millie is a mentor for women and has worked as a professional coach since 2013. Over those years she has supported 100’s of women and teenage girls through her private coaching, yoga teaching, programs and speaking events. She dives deep into the limited beliefs; thoughts and emotional blocks that are holding each individual back and helps them transform their lives from the inside out.

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