Your 3 Secret Weapons When Building Your Business

ContentsCultivating an attitude of gratitude, using daily affirmations & celebrating everything!!!1. Cultivating a gratitude practice.If you find your thoughts are focused on the things you don’t have, past events or the things that aren’t working for you, it is time to make gratitude your go-to attitude.There are so many different ways and I am a big […]

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Abundance, Manifestation and Wealth Creation is an Internal Game

ContentsGet aligned with creating, internally first.IF YOU CAN’T SEE IT, YOU CAN’T CREATE ITHere are three steps I want you to start, to begin shifting your internal state:1. Write out your obvious blocks, limiting beliefs, habits, etc. 2. YOU MUST RELEASE THE HOW!3. Take massive ACTION and TRUST! You know that financial freedom, lifestyle, relationship, success […]

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What the Year of the Monkey Has Taught Me

ContentsThat life is dynamic and change is inevitable.It is this need for control that makes us so opposed to progress.“we never know when the curtain has fallen. We always want a sixth act.”“If you really love somebody you want them to grow, but you don’t get to define how that happens. They do.”So often we […]

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The Loaded Cocktail Question: "What Do You Do?"

ContentsI wear so many hats that I sometimes struggle with the summary! In truth,There is no one way that you, as a woman, should live your life. You need to define what’s meaningful for you. You need to pursue a path that gives you pleasure and fulfillment.If you are reading this and thinking there is […]

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Are You Investing in Your Happiness?

Many people say that the most important thing in life is their happiness yet they are doing a job that keeps them stressed and unhappy, they are in a toxic relationship or with a person they do not love, they are more willing to spend money on a vacation or new pair of shoes than […]

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