Let Your Intuition Guide You: A Simple Practice to Explore Your Intuitive Nature

- “I believe in intuitions and inspirations…I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.”
- So in the spirit of embracing and practicing our intuition, I’d love to share with you an exercise I often share with my clients when they are eager to explore this side of themselves:
- 1. First, bring a decision that needs to be made to the front of your mind.
- 2. Take a few moments to center yourself, breathe deep and connect in with your heart. Focus on the breath.
- 3. Bringing the first option front of mind, ask yourself:
- 4. Letting that first option go from your mind, take another few moments to center yourself and clear the mind, focusing back on the breath.
- 5. Now bring the second option to mind. And again, ask yourself:
Many of us are being called more than ever to follow our hearts, and be guided by our intuition. This way of living can seem a little daunting at first, and understandably so, as feeling into your intuition is an art, that although we all have access to, still takes practice.
Many years ago, this intuitive, feeling-based, knowing side to us was revered and deemed credible. We would seek out the ‘wise women’ for advice and guidance. But in recent times, it is more common in the western world for the rational and tangible elements of life to be celebrated, and seen as legitimate.
But with the rise of consciousness, and the rise of the divine feminine, there is consequentially a rise in the desire to connect with out intuitive nature.
So, what is intuition? It is often described as a ‘gut feeling’, an instinct or hunch, a sense of knowing what to do – in an instant. It is defined it as “the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.” (Oxford Dictionary)
We all experience intuition in our own unique ways, but it’s often a visceral sensation, an awareness that comes from your heart or your body, rather than your mind.
If we want to live heart-led and wildly fulfilling lives, it’s imperative that we tap into our intuition and understand how it can be used in our own day-to-day.
It’s an immense benefit in life to be able to listen to our minds, access our logic and left-brain intelligence, and combine that with the power of the innate knowing, our intuition.
I believe both to be of equal importance, and with understanding of both the intellect and the intuition, we can move through our lives with sureness and contentment, knowing we are taking the whole spectrum of our human experience into consideration.
In fact, Albert Einstein, the man we give props to for his intellect, once said
“I believe in intuitions and inspirations…I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.”
It’s essential we allow ourselves the space to practice and become comfortable with listening in to our intuitive voice.
This practice takes about 10 minutes, so pour yourself a cuppa, get comfortable and let’s dive in.
1. First, bring a decision that needs to be made to the front of your mind.
It can be as simple as “Should I have that for dinner?” or as life-changing as, “Shall I take the job, or start my own business?”
2. Take a few moments to center yourself, breathe deep and connect in with your heart. Focus on the breath.
3. Bringing the first option front of mind, ask yourself:
“How would it feel to say YES to this?”
Feel into your body’s reactions – your heart rate, your belly, your breath. Notice how relaxed or tense your body becomes. Take your time with this; really let yourself feel it.
Mentally note what came up for you (or write it all down in a journal).
4. Letting that first option go from your mind, take another few moments to center yourself and clear the mind, focusing back on the breath.
5. Now bring the second option to mind. And again, ask yourself:
“How would it feel to say NO to this?”
Feeling into all of the same sensations; the heart rate, the breath, the belly. Notice how relaxed or tense your body becomes. Again noting this all down, either mentally or in a journal.
Perhaps your body’s responses are so clear that the decision is made in an instant.
Perhaps it takes a few tries to really hear your inner voice. Either way is perfectly ok.
Be gentle with yourself, especially if this is a new practice – allow yourself time to become comfortable with it.
Allow yourself space to get to know the sensations that rise up for you.
We are all wonderfully unique and with time, these feelings will become so familiar that you are able to tap into them whenever you need to access your intuition.
Thank you sammie! X to me I just had such a magical moment! I was thinking yesterday about intuition and how I didn’t understand it I kept telling myself I need to look it up I need to find out what it really means . Maybe been following TLC for a month now and I was thinking I wonder if TLC will have anything on intuition. I forgot about that question I went to bed then when I woke I started thinking about that same question what does intuition mean. I was on snap chat watching christal and then bam your article popped up on her snap chat! I was like OMG! It felt so magical! I absolutely loved what you were saying sammie! And it definitely made sense to me and you helped me out cheers for that
Thank you xo
Sending lots of love your way x